
Beats by Dre BMW buries he at Huang w

Are enemies with you, war you die I live, who make you break down our businesses."
Two evil head the Zheng is big eye:"Lao Tze broke down you what business?"
"Because we come to seek what match China Tuo is unlucky, who know to kill halfway you these two distances bite a gold, horizontal pretty rude, break down our important event, you say, we can swallow this one breath?"
"I just don't want to participate your businesses."
"!?That do you run to seek the match China Tuo stem?"
"Lao Tze wants to seek she cross-examine the matter of mysterious cuckoo.You are just bad Lao Tze's important event!"
Small monster and poison dragonfly past make startled:"What!?Do you come to seek cuckoo?"
"Certainly, you think that Lao Tze is to be full to have no a matter stem?"
"Is this match China Tuo a mysterious cuckoo?Can't!She seem a too frail to stand a gust of wind woman, is a doctor with quite good medical skill just, how the meeting is to come and go without a trace, fighting skill profound unfathomable cuckoo?"
"Her of course not is a cuckoo, the cuckoo is the old headman of a half hundred!"
"!?That do you seek the match China Tuo stem?"
"Cuckoo body in our Zhang poison, very likely run to seek her to beg a medical treatment, she probably knows where cuckoo is.Don't we come to seek her to seek who?"
The small monster says:"Is slow!The old headman of the half hundred said by you wears black tunic, the shoulder department takes wound and often feel chill of old man?"
"Is quite good!Is exactly him, he now where?BE be not cure building in the match China Tuo in?"
"Is this old headman a terrible mysterious cuckoo?"
"Is quite good!He is a cuckoo!"
The small monster sighed to at a stretch say:"Is really regrettable!"Say to 2 again, " I see you to seek this old headman!"
"You is this what mean?"
"He is dead!Do you still seek his stem?"
"What!?Is he dead?Don't go!You take me to go to quickly, we are to living and appear in public, dead want to see corpse."
"Take you to go to?That is too far!"
"Is far!?Isn't in city in Guiyang?"
"You are getting wronger!He not at cure building in, have never go to Guiyang to seek the match China Tuo to see a doctor as well."
"That where did you see him?"
"In Sichuan, wide lake, three provinces in Guizhou hand over one of boundary a deep mountain to break temple in.Do you say that leaving here isn't far far?Unfortunately I didn't know that this strange old man is a mysterious cuckoo at that time, otherwise, I lucky strike!"
"Lucky strike!?"
" Be not?Authorities the placard hang to appreciate to arrest this mysterious cuckoo everywhere, I catch his authorities to receive award, not lucky strike?Is unfortunately regrettable!I don't have this luck, duck come to hand, also let it flies to walk."
The this time words of small monster must believe this 2 in Western Regions!Because the circumstance said by small monster, mix with oneself's teacher a dollar star gentleman says mostly samely.What in fact small monster says, also came from the pleasing to listener a burst of place with a draught, and really was also escaped toward this direction as for cuckoo that wounded, two again how don't believe?They the brothers is 2 people, the order that received east factory, take a group of persons to come this to take to look for to search.
Wan son and poison dragonfly listenned to their dialogues and could not help knowing on smiling, wish:This odd small monster really has his trick, for a while set double in Western Regions purpose and intention that is evil to come to seek the elder sister of Shan Shan, than force the method for asking to must take care of more to use, and still know double in Western Regions Be evil to is the falcons that the east factory parties comes to this to take.
But this is two to still have some doubts, ask small monster:"You are still a kid, run to that to take Huang countryside Ling to dry what?"
The small monster counter-questions:"Your knowing doesn't know what person is my brothers a pair ?"
"BE what person?"
"The person of river lake calls that Wu Ling Shuang is strange."
"Is Wu Lin Shuang strange?"
"BE ah!We are that Wu Ling Shuang is stranges, from small at Wu Ling top of hill growth, does force, not at Wu Ling Shan a take out have no, where appear and disappear again?"
"Originally what to say is Wu Ling Shan's martial Ling, not China Wu Lin's martial wood, that no wonder that you take unmanned smoke of Huang over there of appear and disappear in the countryside!"
"But I how also the unexpectatively mysterious cuckoo will run to our Wu Ling Shan to go to!More surprisingly cuckoo is unexpectedly a bad old man son that has already harmed a disease, finally still die in the Tui Yuan to hurt breaking of tile temple in, I and my brothers the not so bad heart buries he at Huang wood in.Is the bad old man son that wounds to take a disease in"the small monster still pretends doubt ground to ask again two, " really a cuckoo,Beats by Dre BMW?"
"Shine on the circumstance that you say, he is really a cuckoo."
"Can't?A fighting skill peerless, cuckoo kill people an innumerable, how will wound was the dead of taking the disease in the middle of breaking temple?"
2 wishes:You know what.He is again to win blue and evil star gentleman one claw first, got my teacher one Zhang behind, didn't die on the spot, can also escape Wu Ling Shan, have already been regarded as Be getting more astonishing inside the dint.The dead of the cuckoo is to have been already destined, we come out to look for, however is just in case just.This is two don't want to keep on saying with small monster again, say:"We misunderstand cancellation now, you put my elder brother quickly."
"To the rightness!You are that doubles in Western Regions are evils, we are that Wu Ling Shuang is stranges, evil strange evil strange, also decrees by destiny on the whole, good!I begged the poisonous princess of Kowloon door to put your elder brother."The small monster blinks to say to the poison dragonfly, " invites you to see on the our Wu Ling Shuang's strange personal relationship and put his elder brother not very good.Is so-called to walk in the river lake north bound, many a friends, excel many Shus an enemy."
The poison dragonfly says with smile:"Put him, isn't he afraid double of to is evil to cooperate, seek you again to can not pass?"
"Is not afraid!Isn't afraid!"The small monster turns to ask Wan son, " brothers, you afraid not afraid?"
The Wan son doesn't know that the small monster plays again what pattern, have to say:"You aren't afraid, do I still fear?"
The poison dragonfly says:"Now that you all weren't afraid of, that saw on our former friendships, put him!"
The poison dragonfly calls the attendant is from the lake Dou one is aquatic, put own index finger in the water immerse for a while, then make a pot of water sprinkling dynasty short Zi big evil head.The big evil toxicity immediately dissolved, the person also wide awake and startledly hoped poison dragonfly,beats by dre cheap, Nu way:"Do you dare to sprinkle Lao Tze whole body water?Weren't you and desperately?"
This is bloodthirsty to become sexual of big evil head, toxicity one solution, and then resume original facial expression!Is two to hurriedly call a way:"Elder brother, you come over quickly, I have words to say to you."
The big evil head in perplexity walks to two nearby ask:"Brothers, did you what rubbish say to me?"
2 asks:"Elder brother!You are really like?Recognize did I come?"
The big evil head is startled:"How will I recognize not to get you?Brothers, you how?"
"Elder brother!The matter that just took place, didn't you remember at all?"
"Just took place what matter?"The big evil head every where sees again, " Yi!We how all here?We not is went to and seek that in the city what match China Tuo?"
"Elder brother, you give it a bit of thought again."
"Give it a bit of thought!?"Was big evil to want to say for a while, " rightness,Beats by Dre Electroplating!I remembered suddenly tying up for a boa almost to breathe heavily at that time however annoyed!Yi!What about that boa?Brothers, have you already killed it?"
The poison dragonfly smiles and points a big tree:"You say of the boa didn't die, it still tied up in the treetop mile!Do you want not to think that it worries you again for a while?"
The big evil head is sprung up all of a sudden, the knife in the satisfied hand:"Lao Tze killed this boa first, then come to kill your this poisonous woman!"
Is two to hurriedly advise a way:"Elder brother!You don't go overboard first.I ask you, later matter, you are true of what don't remember as well?The connecting you has to kill my business don't remember as well?"
"Brothers, you is not Be getting more careless!Will I kill you?"
"See to your true of what don't remember as well!The business that remembers a poisoned past."
"Is poisoned!?I win what poison?I am poisoned over?"
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