
Beats by Dre Just Beats will so good heart

Be badly sick for him?Seem really is that I worried needlessly.That I didn't bother and took leave,Beats by Dre Just Beats."
Finish saying, admire a station to start and do an appearance that wants to walk especially.
"Ha ha!That I don't stay adult you, the adult walks good!"
The old fox is an old fox, knew all of a sudden to wear to admire to premeditate especially, wave the Sa remain that vice- to want to die not live appearance, connect order at long the chins on the table didn't lift.
The back towards admiring of a Sa especially, the faces all annoy green.Wave Sa thus has Shi have no perhaps, affirmation is to see out of F don't have to beg, this have no the matter don't ascend three treasure palaces.The meaning that he says like this is obviously the plan lion ocean.Although recognizing since the childhood is pure the looks of this old fox, but wave Sa did it ever be not to oneself if administer.At this time of admire especially have some to pull not next face, at first, walk also not BE, not walk also not BE.At admire especially hesitant of time, wave lazy ocean ocean in San`a of good the voice soliloquizing stream into admire especially of ear in.
"Wearing the beautiful Er is really a rare beauty.Ah!"
Admire especially all over one earthquake, since the very thin window paper have already been stained with water Tong to break, he also has regard for for the nothing important.Admire to make a firm decision especially, turn round from lately sit the position of returning oneself.
The wave Sa also no longer stimulates to admire especially, his body gathered together to gather together forward and took to imitate the Buddha devil temptation people of this world of euphonic slow-moving of say:
"If get lord adult to hope …… hope to fix serious words of the breeze of the disease of……"
Admire be especially frightenned by the words of wave real improbity flavor in San`a of once the whole body cringe, he hurriedly coughed 2 and tried to cover up oneself of embarrassed-like in shape,cheap dr dre beats.Then pull voice to loudly reprimand angrily to a way to the wave Sa:
"Your blah!I can have no this kind of plan, you this can be sunk with Wu ……the Wu sink!"
The wave Sa facial expression has no variety and just have much of taking aim of deep idea's sinking doesn't live spirit of admire especially one eye, wreathed in smiles say:
"Get lord adult, I just can what didn't also say!You only think, I definitely said you how how?Ah!Wear beautiful Er that wench is also poor soul, also so young, so beautiful, boon!If I am 30 years younger ……ha ha!Get lord adult, do you say?"
Admire especially noodles have no facial expression, this time by hand Yan wear a cough of mouth beginning fieriness.
"Ah!Don't lift these!Can only cherish I cultivated 40 years of western orchid grass, pretty precious medicine material.It is all me carelessly.If just I don't fall down, ah ……"
Admire to stare wave especially eyes of the Sa already concealed now light of fire.40 years, don't 40 Sas still know to cheat to eat to cheat to drink in dirty corner over there, even the west orchid grass this kind of is outright lies to also say of come out, what oneself trampled is clearly most usually however of lantern flower.
A long time, 2 people who don't also talk, silently keep to see.Until admire especially of the exasperation gradually quell down and fly off the handle to lead off openings.
"A silver coin."
The voice have spirit have no dint, for the sake of future greater repay, admire compromise especially.
"!Get lord adult, you were really too generous, I knew, adult you show consideration to get a people and concern old fix the condition of .I also feel keenly admiration to this, however isn't that I don't help you, but really have heart to have no dint!Is original, old fix although the disease of bother,also is unlikely ……ah!Also calculate old fix he is unlucky, I grow at the door of several stubs aweather herbage to is him that kind of specific medicine that disease, unfortunately don't know today quilt who to trample to pour.Adult, you are also knowing, aweather the grass have to adopt to go into a medicine now now, I am also that the Qiao Fu is difficult to is an impossible task now."
"Add a silver coin again!"
BE admire to gnash the teeth with hatred especially of voice.
The wave Sa Mi sews eyes, Hey Hey a smile.
", See me this power of memory, corner of wall I remember to still have several stubs.This bottom fixs that guy have of save.Ah!See me this brain, person an old is useless.Just I carelessly fall down and sprained a waist, oneself stills needs to convalesce now!Perhaps have no time to old fix to make a diagnosis and give treatment.Ah!If think those early years ……"
The tone that is an old fox wave Sa to describe with a delicate touch.
Admire a full of bellicosity fierce station to start especially, the one step walks to the wave Sa in front, the step of the foot son because make an effort too much, but the floor"bang bang" trampling rings indiscriminately.But wave Sa old absolute being still at, remain is that vice- smiling facial expression.
"I add a silver coin again!When your nourishment fee there is moreover also a silvers coin being to make you shuts this smelly mouth, you say one more word again and see the waist that I don't really dismantle you."
Finish saying, admire especially once the silver tooth bite and shiver to begin to take out bag from the bosom, small and soft number fully 3 time, just pick, four silver coins pass Sa to the wave.
Admire especially of the vision dead die of have eyes fixed on a Sa to stretch to come over of hand, wave withered and maigre hand in San`a at admire especially eye in true and the rotting old tree branch nothing important is two kinds, admire hope especially own vision such as benefit ax general, will at present that divide fork of old tree branch a root hews away.Dark way in heart.
"Wear beautiful Er, this ratio debt I can want to calculate on your head."See "general situation with go", admire don't give up especially of take back vision, inwardly own of lose to carry on transfering.
The wave Sa smiles happily of once connected to admire to pass especially of silver coin, imitate a Buddha basically and have no going or staying idea to admire especially that several desires kill people of vision.Then he assumes air of importance of hand to admire to return him especially original position
"Ha ha!See you say of, tomorrow morning wear beautiful Er, that beautiful bond maid to ask me to go to and return for his father to diagnose.I will tell her, his father is getting more beyond hope, unless ……boon!This adult do you see how to say?Moreover, adult you don't feel curious, old fixed to get what get sick?Probably I will leak so at 1:00 of!"
"Need not!I can have no so many curiosities.And I don't believe that you wear as well the fox of the craftiness will so good heart."
"Ha ha!Did I just haven't already said?All of everythings of world is probably, after believing, getting the lord adult will understand.As for this thing, probably get a lord adult soon will use."
The wave Sa draws out several pieces from the cape ancient simple friendship of parchment, pass to admire especially.Admire to early become accustomed to a Sa especially of past do Xuan falsely, saw don't also see, with hand Chuai enter the pocket of clothes, immediately after two people's head puts together, don't know at calculate what bad idea.

Chapter 5 wears the crisis of beautiful Er

Chapter 5 wears the crisis of beautiful Er
On the second day in early morning, wear beautiful Er to come right away the clinic of wave Sa, remain such as usually similar well-mannered of wave the Sa please come home inside, she wave the Sa invite the bedroom of fixing, then quietly sit at old fix be full of Qiang person the bedside of the medicine flavor, full in the eye is concern and tender feeling.
"Cough!Cough!Cough ……"
The patient on the bed closes tightly eyes and often coughs.But wave the Sa have already started his work.Wear beautiful Er to then lightly clap to fix the chest of , annoy for the fixing of violent cough in the deep slumber one being agreeable.
The room that fixs is located in the second floors, the room is narrow and small, set out also extremely simple and crude.A wood with yellow ash bed depends the small wood table that the door wears door, a big wood box, and a few chairs are the all of this house.The room has no window, only on wall near the ceiling, the Lou wears three row inclined hole, seem for having a well ventilated function.The entrance to cave opens smallest, even if a 45-year-old child also drill not to come in.The top end of entrance to cave returns book to shield from wind the decorous Zhan Lian of blocking rain, therefore shows a bit blackly inside the house.
The small building one-time host may be to regard as this house storeroom, but this owner's person's bedroom of leaning to of storeroom opposite street one side ever, then wear the room of beautiful Er now.
The Yang lies on the bed of fix, the skin is dark, that bushy and miscellaneous and disorderly whiskers son almost blocks greater half Zhang Lian and makes him original the faintness of the side of looks.However even if so, still keep covering up not to live the clear sharp angle that the noodles permits, with just hard lines.
Be located in he closes tightly of eyes top, a deeply fall to sink on the skin, wind around in the wound Ba of forehead to touch eyes shocking,Beats Detox.If let whichever edge of knife Related articles:

