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 The airtight meeting in chapter 131 sheep spring onion lane
Seal to loose Zhao, ask for the dynasty hall is greatly disorderly, the cluster minister grinds teeth a hard anti- and seem everybody this looses Zhao.However through comfortable private of the university words, owner all clear, that can ast least lift to dismount from the prince of social status full general come of loose Zhao, still stay in the Dan to park male Fan Jian's hand at this time in.
That little adult Fan is where actually?Temporarily don't describe first too very sword in the palace and pull out a Nu debt and every moment prepare to splash with blood the courageous prospects of 3 Chinese feet, a heart wants to help the influence that the prince mounts the throne and includes that You and resides backstage and see what don't also do, actually but is the long princess of disorderly temple source, all is smelling smell the smell in Kyoto, try and find out the location that Fan Jian hides a body.
Hold tight Fan Jian, kill Fan Jian, nail fast Fan Jian, ruined to loose Zhao, so toward hall again in disorder also in disorder not arrive where go to, comfortable beard two private of universities lost a relying on support of end, again how strong point, also impossibly and again launch the text ministers to resist emperor's right.
Too very palace in today just proclaim Fan Jian is to murder a gentleman cause, strive for negative big bad, but those influences outside the temple carefreely make track for and seize assassination and no longer know to carry on how many days to Fan.However Kyoto is too big, growing the resources in the princess' hand even can control Kyoto unclearly, but can not in 100001000 people look for Fan Jian's trace.
Even the long princess basically has no way arrestment's Fans Jian to mount the throne night before last at the prince, secretly meets with comfortable Wu and secretly did so many affairs.
Who all don't know Fan Jian, actually hide where.
A strange alley, the emperor right center in distance Kyoto is most far some, be apart from Kyoto Hao extravagant rich and honored house's gathering ground is not near either, however but seem to be particularly quiet.Those sorrows on the street noodles in fearly common people's atmosphere in Kyoto, can not get into this square an alley, only have a green tree of several stubs in early autumn the weather in comfortable sway.
The lane son is called a sheep spring onion lane, very unattractive name.
The end of lane son is one square small hospital, the yard didn't know that who buys two years ago bottom.Greater half year ago there was a woman to take a few next persons to move to come in.Don't know that woman is what identity, unexpectedly can buy thus a nice and secluded small hospital.However this.Never visitor to lead here.
Today imperial palace in, under way wear you die I live of fight, however cause the chief criminal of this affair.At this time but very at leisurely sit under the tree of this yard to enjoy cool air, a side drinks hot tea.A side lowers the head to think some what.
Fan Jian wore a green cloth clothes.Slightly moved some hand and feet on the face.Although not and slightly reduce the spirit of English show.But make the whole individual looking at more honest in character some.The finger lightly turns tiny hot small Zhong.He is suddenly wrinkly to knit the brows, to body side that eyebrow eye is beautiful, the eyehole deeply sinks a ground of beauty's son to say:"In addition to and prince, also have who know your this yard?"
That beauty's son closed lightly lips to shake to shake head, consumedly eyes inside is full is curious and excitement of countenance.She looking at Fan Jian this legendarily murdering a bad thief of gentleman unexpectedly isn't frightened at all.
It is a ground.This small hospital woulds be Fan Jian in those early years to secretly buy out.Be presented to a big emperor at the year ago son gold the house keep cutting off of Jiao airtight place.
But that shape facial expression with celebrate dignified woman of country greatly and have respectively beauty's son, is that to follow behind to advertise for naturally west the soldier return city ground western beard some intertribal princess, perplexed Fan Jian Yi for year in Chiang-Nan of longly the Ma Suo Suo miss.
In addition to handle Deng Zi more.No one's knowing to buy this is Fan Jian.But after this yard turn to present a big emperor son.The temperament that fears to inside the easy Sao by big emperor's son.BE not likely to publicize everywhere.So Fan Jian last night string connect cluster minister empress.Have no again return to Inn.But is to choose to arrive at this square small hospital, don't worry the meeting is guessed by the long princess.
Fan Fu and inspect a hospital on all sides all someone stare at.Talk mansion, Wang Qi Nian's house only afraid all have to stare at inside the superior of court.Fan Jian doesn't think to be risky.Only this sheep spring onion small hospital in the lane.Just can promise his safety.At the same time also convenience he contacts that key person ground.
Hear Ma Suo Suo curiously an answer, Fan Jian's eyebrows is wrinkly for a while, stood from the chair.At quiet hope to open left back door of lane.
Because he heard someone be to this yard going, since then the person obviously isn't he or she and wants etc. ground big emperor son.
When the Lang is several, the Luo Zhi is a , unknown small hospital ground the wood door be from the outside opened a lock, pushed away.The Ma Suo Suo shockedly looking at this acts.The unbearable Wu shut up.The this yard inside underground persons are all bought ground by Fan Jia's young master, never outsider to lead this yard.Who is this coming to ground person actually?
She turns a head to hope Fan Jian, the low voice shouts a way:"Young master run quickly!"
Fan Jian didn't run.Just hoping back door is ten but the woman going into smiled to smile, the ground in the smiling face emotion was very complicated, then he is 1, say:"Send greeting for imperial concubine."
The bearer isn't with prince.But is an imperial concubine with prince, north together princess royal.
Princess royal complexion equanimity, the eyebrow eye is wearing a smile, so silent looking at Fan Jian.The style style salutes and says after a long time:"Once saw small male Ye."
Fan Jian Gong's palm reading lets.Shake head wry smile, wish oneself waits eldest brother in the hospital, but etc. came to this.Be showed from this big emperor's son to fear to inside fear to what degree, unexpectedly connect a small gold houses all report gave princess royal.
"Suo Suo your forerunner goes."Fan Jian flicks.Knowing the imperial concubine would not like to see the Mei of this western beard, signal hint Ma Suo Suo at in temporary avoid.
The imperial concubine is a single come to this, on the body although didn't disguise foppery intentionally,Cheap Beats By Dre,obviously was also after some kind of arrangements.Fan Jian is quiet to is quiet to see her two eyes, stretched hand to invite her to sit down, silent short moment behind say:"Imperial concubine good earth courage, know perfectly well a temple inside to definitely stare at and prince mansion.Incredibly dare also the single come to this.Meet with me."
After contacting text minister last night.Fan Jian thinks that the contact ground woulds is to hold to forbid most
Emperor's son, however it is said that rather just the person have already been charged to contain a light palace in, with the prince court inside the mansion and the fielding ground informer in Kyoto.So Fan Jian looked for one wonderful method, leave an information in Wang Fu, hope that big emperor's son can think way contact he or she.
But don't thought of, today come of is an imperial concubine.
The "little adult Fan is a sky, the male Dan of Zhu ……" imperial concubine smiles should his that sentence, "know perfectly well a Kyoto various square influence Suo gentleman very hasty, know perfectly well today a prince to mount the throne, but you can sit idly an one party to sell a small hospital of gold in, calm down to see a matter power development, really don't know adult, you are to have ready plans to meet a situation, still helpless."
"Have ready plans to meet a situation not really, helpless as well false."Fan Jian hopes the imperial concubine's gentle and soft face to in a soft voice say:"Unless have viewpoint, would not disturb an imperial concubine again?"
The imperial concubine harmony is in response to the way:"The situation in city is urgent at present.My house's Wang Ye is responsible for forbiding soldier guard, absolutely can not return to mansion, so little adult Fan if want to meet with him, only afraid have some difficulties.Just don't know that little adult Fan has difficult place, I Be presumptuous to come to see, also hope that little adult Fan doesn't be offended."
Fan Jian sank into silent in, a long time suddenly opens mouth to say behind:"Princess royal.I am murdering a gentleman to strive for negative Tu at present.You since dare to see me and ask me to have difficult place.Then it is naturally understand I ground meaning."
Imperial concubine's eye the wave is tiny disorderly, temporarily hard put to connect this words.
Fan Jian lowered the head to think meeting son.Body to imperial concubine side close to half Chinese foot, in a soft voice say:"Do not know that the imperial concubine can also remember and together went down south from the north in those early years, outside inside the wagon.You what did I can once say?"
Imperial concubine tiny tiny one Zheng.Soon after smiled to get up:"Agreeing on the nature can't forget, Be just this momentary that momentary.Situation in Kyoto is too nearly at present.Wang Ye all of him depends to forbid a soldier bitterness in the hand a bitterness to prop up, if the adult really needs to do important event, only afraid Wang Ye Li haven't to arrest.I am a women folk.Is also can not promise."
"Does the bitterness bitterness prop up?"Fan Jian in a soft voice says with smile:"The imperial concubine says of but did fielding in Kyoto change the person's matter yesterday?"
The imperial concubine is silent to come down.
Fan Jian sighed an one breath, because fielding in Kyoto changes a person.This was regarded as sting to win oneself ground vital part, also stabbed to win the soft rib of big emperor's son.
First ex- fielding teacher in Kyoto has been being placed in the control of leaf's house in, afterwards from getting of Qin Jia's the next generation soldier thing Qin Heng controled for two years.Until year ago because the valley snipes one matter, the his majesty seizes a pretext, cleans influence in dynasty to distribute and adjusts Qin Heng into privy council to allow a pair to make.Appointed a big emperor son the west advertised for vice- handsome Xie Su of ground in soldier to get for fielding in Kyoto governing in those early years.
However the all these have already taken place to change yesterday, the queen mother was steady to live a temple in the empress.Next aim idea.Would be to withdraw Xie Su directly.Qin Heng again replies a Kyoto fielding to get generally!
Xie Su the innocence be withdrawn, just big emperor's son again because the his majesty meets the affair of sting and forbid the pressure that soldier is subjected to pretty much of big, can not talk at all.And the west advertises for ground in soldier this those early years valiant general, administer fielding teacher in Kyoto however half year could not form own influence at all, Qin Jia Yi turned a hand to answered again back.Big emperor's son and Xie Su basically have no way.
Fan Jian also really has a headache this affair, fielding right of control in Kyoto changes hands, and doesn't lift gum state navy to allow luxuriant just to oneself suggestion ground important event, wait if the outer circle military power in the whole Kyoto, all have already controled at Qin Jia Di's hand in.
He saw imperial concubine's one eye and knit the brows to say:"Fielding teacher in Kyoto resident dollar set, only 13 city gate departments aren't wrong, can solve general situation in Kyoto of ……still keep still keeping forbiding a soldier."
"I have never forgotten with adult you ground to promise."The imperial concubine looking at him quiet quiet say:"However you from big east the mountain return.But don't know the city in temple is a kind at present shape how and severely, Wang Ye can also force a control to live to forbid a soldier at present, that because queen mother old ancestor didn't under aim ……"
Fan Jian is silent.
The imperial concubine continues to say:"Why does the queen mother trust to make my house's Wang Ye administer to forbid a soldier?Because she knows, Wang Ye is one to keep a temperament person, he can't turmoil, can't rebel ……"
Don't wait imperial concubine to finish saying, Fan Jian had already smiled:"The circumstance in nowadays BE.Someone in the temple is rebeling."
Imperial concubine wry smile way:"Problem BE.Who sit at too very palace in.Who just the qualifications talk about to settle who is rebeling.If park male you are in the temple at this time, at queen mother ground body side.Read that to have already publicized to open to ground to loose Zhao today, I dare to promise, my house's Wang Ye, must be your strongest supporter."
" Loose Zhao to take out."Suddenly the imperial concubine openings persuades a way:"No matter which angle it is see, will loose Zhao at this time public, the dint also have a to contend for, otherwise keep on canning be passive."
"Do not go, the many people hasn't moved, for example my mother-in-law's adult ……" Fan Jian's equanimity says:"Loose Zhao on me, can ast least also keep a period of time ground equanimity, loose Zhao once really coming out, so both parties only tear off a face to open hostilities."
The imperial concubine tiny Zhao says:"All this time, might the male Ye it not be still needs to keep Dan to park a pure clear idea?"
Fan Jian's self-ridicule says with smile:"I ain't a stupid person.Of so the unjust cloth looses Zhao, with imperial concubine in times before say Wang Ye because of silently reason ……all in fact is 1."
He stares at an imperial concubine ground eyes, slowly say:"Rather just the person is in the temple, Wang Ye certainly does get not what, don't forget, I that madam's a keep woman also all in the temple, really want clear open hostilities, I with Wang Ye all accept not rise this etc. loss."
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