
cheap beats by dre ree chemicals; CS C

The one self defense product which is wanted by many these days is self defense spray. The reason behind this is that it is one thing that all thieves and other criminals dread. Why? It is because it makes them cry, literally! Many people, especially women carry it around with them. There have been instances where it has saved them against a crime. The police recommend people to carry this small yet life saving product whenever you venture out. The crime rate is increasing day by day and this self defense spray comes in handy every time. It is better to be prepared than be sorry later. Your safety should be your prime concern. You should never be lax about it. This spray allows you to protect yourself in situations which are potentially dangerous and be in control.

Naturally, you are interested in knowing what this self defense spray is all about. We will take you through the basics so that your curiosity is quenched. These sprays are made up of three chemicals; CS, CN and OC (Oleoresin Capsicum). When you spray this spray on the attacker, his eyes, nose, throat and lung will experience irritation. The eyes will start a heavy flow of tears. They will feel a burning sensation and be temporarily blinded. He will have problem breathing and feel disorientated.

The vital ingredient that makes the pepper spray more effective than tear gas is the cayenne and other pepper content in it. This ingredient makes it useful even against people who do not experience pain like drunkards, drug users and psychotics. It is even useful against wild animals.

The reason why you should go ahead and buy pepper spray is because it is the best product in self defense. Even the police use it! So there is no need to worry that you are using something illegal. The spray when used does not cause permanent damage to the attacker. It helps to get time to escape and get help since it temporarily disables the attacker. Do not worry. It will not kill the attacker. You can use it without hesitation and escape without harm.

Hot pepper spray sells like hot cake because it is inexpensive. You can carry it in your bag everywhere you go. All you need to do is spray the content near his eyes or face and it will do its work. The effectiveness of pepper spray can be checked by measuring the amount of capsaicin in OC. This is measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). If you are carrying a self defense spray which has two million SHU, then it will be more than sufficient.

All hot pepper spray comes with an expiry date. So make sure you check the date when you buy it. This expiry date does not mean the effectiveness of OC will lessen. But it indicates that there are chances the aerosol propellant will leak and that will affect the distance at which it can spray.

The good news is that pepper spray starts it effects within 3 to 5 seconds but its lasting power is anywhere between 15 to 60 minutes. That plenty of time for you to escape,cheap beats by dre! What more, the spray also comes with UV dye. This dye stays till a week and the police can nab the criminal with its help!

So there is no need to worry anymore when you have pepper spray to protect you. If there is someone who should be worried it is your attacker! Related articles:

