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The Vinaceous Rosefinch confirms.
"H'm?, Is a ground, give the blessing of son gentleman, have already completely resumed."
Vinaceous Rosefinch satisfied hand, the tuft dazzlingly breaks evil true fire immediately Teng to rise and follow to say by vigor booming voice in the its hand:"Very pitiful and boundary in the sky didn't can help a son gentleman while opening hostilities of favour, let you Gu soldier's courageously fighting is the malpractice that I wait.But from now on have what matter though order, ignoring the opponent is where of god all not in context of present discussion."
"H'm, really occupy to want to please, but the opponent isn't a god."The Yi Hao listens to to ground concerning angel's monster there from the silver leave the noodles of various said 1 time to the Vinaceous Rosefinch."In fine, because angel's monster excessively breeds, the life of the senses is placed in the condition of very danger now, only the Peng Lai has the ability the harm for repressing angel's monster.I hope that you can do some help."
"Son gentleman,Facebook, although I ain't a green dragon,your talk a way to have a problem."The Vinaceous Rosefinch blames Yi Hao."You are the little emperor of Peng Lai.One person is like under the myriad people on the ground sovereign body in the red life time'please''help'stage dialogue like this, really should not from your in speak."
"Even if you say like this, I haven't completely been used to that identity as well till now ……" Yi Hao sighs.
"Since it is so, that at least invite while deciding by Peng Lai little emperor ground identity, you please make a show of homologous dignity."Vinaceous Rosefinch persistence way.
"Now that you insist of words.That is all right ……"the Yi Hao cough a , pure settle throat, reach an order to the Vinaceous Rosefinch bottom."Cough!Everywhere the absolute being Vinaceous Rosefinch obeys orders, life you right away come down to earth to destroy completely angel's monsterses of endangering the human life, the method is unlimited!……E, so all right?"
"If the interrogative sentence with no end pour to still have dignity several centses."The Vinaceous Rosefinch forces a pass ground evaluation for ."If the son gentleman has Be signed to myriad people on of natural intelligence, lack of Be just experience and training, stay in the Peng Lai to make the green dragon assist your half year, should can make a show of the dignity of Ru identity was not?"
"This matter discusses again after permitting."The Yi Hao that speaks this sentence pours for several cents, Peng Lai the dignity of the little emperor, but lead Vinaceous Rosefinch break into laughter.
"Shout, see to a son gentleman or to green Long Mei's way, is the green dragon to greatly add applause to you this time?"
"…… The time in Iceland, don't know is which guy says that the green dragon is great anger, also makes me make pleasurable punish awakeningly ……"
The Yi Hao stares at a Vinaceous Rosefinch by the look in the eyes that the hatred reads, and then but suddenly and with concentration start to appreciate air of bright pole light come, and peep out to don't already praise highly of facial expression.
"Really having never thoughting the sky of the monotone of Peng Lai will become thus beautiful, and fly tired can find out the place of rest at any time as well, the son gentleman really did a fantastic affair this time, rather simply cloth Lun rare the Er virtuous empress' tile Er admire pull paradise to also move?Annex other absolute being boundaries of world-wide locations again to also come over, finally simply from the unification of Peng Lai how is red life time?"
The Vinaceous Rosefinch said like this, the Shan in eye wears the view of taking the in danger meaning, the this time words seem to be not is purely play trick.The situation that the silver leave noodles accomplishes all alone has already forced Peng Lai to stand to rise to run on-line, the terminal point of runway woulds be the result that the Vinaceous Rosefinch talks, but runway of or so have no competitor, but so far, the Yi Hao didn't°yet is next to certainly exceed the decision of a step, hence take out female Wu Shen to resist.
"The cloth Lun is rare is the Er virtuous to have his/her own persistence, persuade her changing idea isn't an easy affair."
"Be really of, the son gentleman just a little makes a show of some previous incarnation of tough how?Together is virtuous in space Fu be not first strong line of push over female Wu Shen, then just include the opportunity achieves and she of romance of?"
"You listen to who say of the affair?"The Yi Hao is startled to looking at a Vinaceous Rosefinch, in fact need not ask to also know, the Peng Lai understands his previous incarnation story of, in addition to the goblin of that gossip outside has no other people again,cnn.
"I listen to lift Tan Ni the Ya speaking.Just sought the time of red Ji, she made the little princess tell a story, spoke of is the previous incarnation of son gentleman, together space Fu in virtuous and cloth Lun rare Er virtuous love story."The answer of Vinaceous Rosefinch also confirms the guess of Yi Hao,google."Frankly speaking, she speaks very well!The not only little princess listens to with relish, even emperor Yan and other Phoenixes also listen to move, have never thought a virtuous empress of rare Er of cloth Lun is unexpectedly that sort just strong woman, waited you in the Iceland Chi Chi a lot of years of, opposite come to say ……the son gentleman unexpectedly abandonned good woman and other people's matrimony like this really very and excessively!"
"That because of me ……the E be together virtuous to be cheated the cause of drinking the fan psychological treatment in space Fu!Is force majeure ……not right!Did that mix a Zhang gossip demon to connect this kind of affairs to all speak to you?Don't go, I now bomb a Peng to her ……"the Yi Hao suddenly become very uneasy, turning round after willing rush at a temple, but drive Vinaceous Rosefinch to capture.
"Son gentleman, you are the emissary that prepares to receive Japan come here?Who do you walk to come to see them?"
"That kind of the affair hand over to a green dragon to do!Is most important is the balderdash that stops that goblin at once now, otherwise my reputation ……"
"Is all right of, how say again also just the affair of previous incarnation, everyone can't the abandon cloth Lun rare Er virtuous empress of'heartless Tu'and the son gentleman in nowadays associate to arrive together of."
"Is bogus!While just seeing me you are clearly that kind of look in the eyes!"
"E ……"
"Fruit, indeed as expected is so ……release me!I am going to mix the Zhang demon to that to throw to be a toy for evil spirit!"
The Yi Hao spares no effort to struggle strategic area backward a temple, the Vinaceous Rosefinch then makes greatest efforts to impede to lose her head of little emperor, at 2 people struggle not under of time, the layer after layer cough voice of someone aside rings out ……

Book chapter 23 of the eighth absolute being a life time appreciates an article
Renew time:2008-11-315:25:32 chapter word numbers:6310

Who?This young master has no time now!Have what matter after a while ……frighten, green
A cough voice that suddenly rings out quarrel that interrupted 2 people, the Yi Hao takes the facial expression angrying back overdo go to, but see a green dragon and is standing the his highness throws a sharp-edged look in the eyes toward 2 people, while his flank then stand a youth who is dressed in rules is peeping out to frighten into inaction of facial expression.
"Son gentleman, I take south young master to see you, are you free now?"
After all is in front of outsider, the green dragon very looks after the face of Yi Hao and wears by polite tone inquiry, however bursts out the cold light of in that eyes, but makes Vinaceous Rosefinch as well for it shrink back.
"Have ……free, certainly free."
Get away from an entwining of Vinaceous Rosefinch, Yi Hao 3 combined 2 to run a palace set and started to pull the hand of Lan pill to cautiously conjecture pupil.
"Indeed as expected is you, Lan pill, how can and suddenly think of Peng Lai?Japan there again what affair?Still keep saying, just come over a string of door this time?"
The Lan pill that"that, the Tu son pays a courtesy calls on a teacher ……" doesn't know how to respond to in fine first respectfully went one gift toward the respectfullly polite Yi Hao.
"Went, got up!Speak of, you haven't seen a teacher's wife?Walk, I take you to see her."Always with concern Yi Hao of that gossip demon, simplify the rite for meeting to the shortest, talked and then want to pull Lan pill to take advantage of an opportunity backward the temple walks to, but green dragon's blocking him is coming down.
"Son gentleman, empress temple important precincts male Juan how could and literally go into inside!Even if is your pupil, also not agree with at the gift."
", Is ……" Yi Hao turns head to looking at Lan pill, spends is 0.1 to then find out to compromise of way."However being getting aller right of female?Don't see the Lan pill be dressed in thus the lichen takes, that however is that the female dresses up as men's wear just."
"E?"The Lan pill is startled to looking at the teacher who distorts oneself's sex without authorization.But the Yi Hao Wu lives his mouth.
"……Is a girl?"Green dragon with confused that the vision conjectures a that too fragile face of beautiful youth.
"That certainly, you see Lan pill body up have what be like the boy's place?"Yi Hao emphasizes Lan pill ground beautiful looks.
For on wishing to train a youth of man bearing to believe in lord to say, the words of Yi Hao are like several sharp knife malicious put into Related articles:

