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Wu An Cheng of recent disorder also makes to some merchantmans don't dare to close to, Ba Ling Du who can arrive downstream unloads goods, so now inside Wu An Cheng is strange to lack to harm a medicine.The pseudoginseng radix takes a few confident disciples to arrive Tan mountain to adopt a medicine in person today, in addition to wanting to teach them how to identify various herb medicine, much collecting to harm possibly is more important the medicine cures by coping with building need.
Underneath in the overhanging cliff of mountain that was public to climb to Tan grew many herb medicines used for a treatment here, this was the pseudoginseng radix to unintentionally follow a maimed wild beast behind and detection of, this also became the main source that he cures the wild herb medicine in the building.
"Teacher, is this a limitless grass?"The small disciple that fully is loved deeply by pseudoginseng radix adopted one stub herb medicine and got hold of him front of, ask a way.
"It is quite good."The pseudoginseng radix touched the hair of touching the small disciple and moderately smiled to smile, and then asked a way:"So tell teacher, what is the limitless grass mainly used to make?"
"H'm ……!"The small disciple held head to want to think and slowly said:"Limitless grass Yin, the lord cures external injury and useds for stopping bleeding to spread Yu, can also cure internal injury.Teacher, can I say that again?"
"Is very good!Is very good!"Pseudoginseng radix very happy cachinnation way.
Even now can, suddenly from the summit of hill on spread to come over a very strong Wei to press, make his at heart one Zhan, involuntarily knelt down, but he the disciple at the side of body have never had him the mind like that to fix for, felling not obvious, just feeling the body is a bit unwell, a s all sit on the ground.Close behind, the monster in an earthquake sky roar and spread down from the summit of hill, the pseudoginseng radix listenned to behind face up immediately become pale have no color, in the heart dark way mess, unbearable title upward look about pass by.Because usually run about in the forest, he personally once saw a scene that tored 45 big black bears into fragment from cloud absolute being monster, but that is from the roaring cry of cloud absolute being monster and now once the roaring cry heard by him touch similar, how can this not make him is taken by surprise again.
Because the monster roars of weaken, from the Tan mountain summit of hill on, the sunlight once wears cloud and mist to project light upon down, black cloud jumps , swoop but bottom from the summit of hill, golden light that easily wears deeply cloud and mist sits idly it up.However count an of interest, that black cloud already near at at present, it which is what black cloud ah!Is a head of from cloud absolute being monster, and its body figure wants to compare usually to greatly ascend several from cloud absolute being monster, can become adult Malaysia to mutually match in excellence with one and carried on the back at it last of that also not what golden light,Beats by Dre BMW, but one wears gold A war dress, still if fight absolute being generally high big domineering general.When that soon fall to the ground from cloud absolute being monster, once the torso twist, the body stopped to in the sky turn over two heel heads, immediately be like lost all weights, four feet easily hit the ground, but from start into eventually an absolute being monster are all hands to embrace chest on that persons of body, don't is taken by surprise of action.
Be pseudoginseng radix amazement thousand times of, the segment tiger also equally feels surprised, his hasing never thoughting in this wild countryside open country will also meet a person.He lowered the head to sweep to see this several people and unexpectedly saw one have a little a familiar looking figure and knit the brows to remember for a while and remembered once to once see this person in the place of the wound disease of the city south army camp, hence dynasty the pseudoginseng radix ask a way:"Are not you that the Hong inside the city is virtuous to cure doctor Tian of building?"
"!"Pseudoginseng radix's hasing never thought general general of this celestial spirits will know him, not from must lift up head to see go upward, be to see that general a lot of short hairs and cheeks than the ordinary people that black tiger text body, seeing with half an eye the at present person is who, quickly come forward to salute a way:"The grass pseudoginseng radix once sees general adult."
He nearby of the disciples also return to absolute being, although don't know who at present person is, still similar to their teachers, Gong body together way:"The grass people waits to pay respects to general adult."
"You get up!"The segment tiger stretches hand to falsely give and signals hint it to get up and and then asks a way:"Doctor Tian, you why is the meeting here?"
"The words that return to general, the affair is such ……" pseudoginseng radix recent Wu An Cheng inside take place of affair 15110 of stated 1 time.
"Originally have already made to this kind of situation."
Segment the tiger is cold cold on smiling,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com, have never thought an achievement unexpectedly thus huge, in the astonishing benefits in front those the smart deceitful place of honor have no one person to see a so inferior stratagem at ordinary times and even if have will be also forced by the others according to accounting to strive for of the direction go forward, these are that a tiger and D are pleased for the one-way street that they with meticulous care design.Although these day Wu An Cheng after many turbulences, also many stores left Wu An Cheng,he has confidence as long as Wu An Cheng falls calm, everythings will resume original shape, the store by all means will come back, while those influences are empty to lack will also from own influence take over.
The segment tiger lowers the head to leave no room for doubt of order way:"Doctor Tian, you live outside the city to flow run by private capital tonight!Tomorrow come to city to guard a mansion, this general has important business mutually company."
"Can grass the people cure building in ……" pseudoginseng radix not know a tiger why wants him stay outside the city, but cure building in but still have already harmed a disease, need him return to save cure, just wanted open mouth return cut off.But when he sees a segment the tiger see toward Wu An Cheng's look in the eyes, was full of infinite intention to murder, the flash across in heart is a viewpoint of fearfulness, immediately feel heart in a cold, the words soon blurting out re- swallow, the arch hand is in response to the way:"The grass people appreciates general love and esteem, the tonight lives outside the city to flow a people to settle inside the barracks."
The segment tiger ordered to nod, once the legs clip and by hand pointed toward the city gate a , tiger king immediately the Zong jump but, drive fast toward the direction of city gate, the Duo wears him quick of the disappearance is in the forest.
The disciples of pseudoginseng radix stare big eyes, inquiry way:"Teacher, this person is who ah?Unexpectedly even so hugely be also obeyed orders to him from cloud absolute being monster, really a good power and prestige!"
"Be our parents, officer, Wu An Cheng, , generation the city guard a tiger segment general,Beats By Dre In Ear."The pseudoginseng radix is soft to lie prone of sit on the ground, wiped to wipe the cold sweat on the forehead, grew tone, looking at Wu An Cheng's direction You saying of You:"This deicide since has been already come back, those people only afraid also finish wanting, see to Wu An Cheng tonight and seem again is a sleepless night."

The text chapter 81 plan changes
Renew time:2008-6-2117:30:40 chapter word numbers:3387

Noon just lead, since morning pile up together of Yin cloud is gradually been blunt by the sunlight to opened, spread the ray of light dropping down to shine on warm ocean of person of ocean of, Qian Bai remains like usually one station outside the city gate side, looking into of elaboration each wagon that passed in and out Wu An Cheng, looking at sparse fell zero loose of traveler, started to can not help thinking of a before busy day in his heart.
It has been long four years since Qian Bai was Wu An Cheng's city gated officer, but have never been like so at leisure lead now, discrepancy city gate of isn't some usually common people, is those help settings to flow the people's soldier, originally should company Gu swarm about, raging river of cars and trucks of the prospects Be these days of to have been already disappeared completely.The everyone in the city how influence infighting is vigorous he knows, yesterday someone was made track for to kill a city gate, was him and the noodles of his under charge live to chop down dead, overbearing flame of anger from don't have.Although he really wants to make moves, city's guarding a mansion has already spread to issue order, any guard a soldier if the raid that didn't meet the other party extremely disallows to participate fighting of influence inside the city, otherwise will press the military law treatment, so is these days of him don't lift to suppress to bend more.
City's guarding the disappearance that a general leaves Wu An Cheng has already got about whole citieses, Qian Bai once secretly ran to the city to guard the mansion checked solid for a while, really such as what rumours say so, however want is also, if segment general still just Wu An Cheng's words, those Hao clan powerful family again how have a courage like this unbridled overbearing?Often thought of to can not help and put blame on the inability that the city guards a mansion here, clearly needs city to guard a mansion to appear publicly to mediate for a while, the affair can quell down, Wu An Cheng can also resume such as often, but the city guard a mansion be stops one's ears to this, the processing city of an idea outside of flow people's setting, but he again how can anyone know all these confusion is all city to guard mansion's at the back operation?There and suddenly spread an earthquake from the Tan mountain the monster roar for sky, public and clear can smell, all the noodles exposes a surprised color and is suffused with Yi in the heart, not know that this is the wild beast how is unexpectedly like this Wei power.All without previous arrangement of to there hope.
"That ……what is that ?"
Led in a little while, Qian Bai Related articles:

