
monster beats rder think glorious

Day of leading but like receive last gorgeous cover up the hell of thing.That solitude slowly from the daughter body up seep through he or she in the body, she thinks.Own thin beautiful Luo Er to elder sister why can insist for several decades, but own daughter connect for a year, ground time not arrive whet this appearance ……that is ever cheery proud of pull Wei rare ground daughter in the Er house has already become as if resent a Fu sort distressed, that is the Royal reputation princess all day long can with emperor fun dozen make Zhu Li Si incredibly from once connected an expensive hat of empress behind could not see any further ever of emperor cousin.
"Mother, I am frightened ……" Zhu Li Si's hands tightly embrace You Li Mei if the body reached is in fear tears and the vision of Tan Te on the face, "time …… make a day of it each time, I more add to fear, do I really have my own kid ……"
"Simpleton.Certainly, at the beginning I am also a mood like this.Take it easy a point, you are about to be a mother, this should is very worth happily affair."You Li Mei if reached to hurriedly make change very brilliant smiling face, with deceleration daughter's ground nervous mood, " emperor his majesty and empress dowager his majesty think to be necessarily more happy."
"Emperor his majesty ……" Zhu Li Si silently lowers the head and carefully touch temple skirt under of big belly.
"The emperor his majesty drives!"
A palace Ci shouts outside the room in response to the officer and immediately after see a high big youth that wears snow-white dead color to take golden red line to decorate walk to come in, the owner in the room sits with crossed knees to salute right away.
"!Emperor his majesty, minister Qie ……"the concussion of Zhu Li Si in almost will turn over the bed in body.
"Carefully order, body importance ……"
The emperor takes an easy smile to sit to the bedside handle knob touched a top a cuckoldry face, once other persons see, all beaming with smiles in succession withdrew room.
The sudden in the mind of Zhu Li Si a sour, feel own of the husband cried, but emperor, then sit quietly at her nearby, still from ordering about of the other party emotion ……
On August 28, arrive thunder in the empire emperor many Nis secondly a day ago, Lin Si's republic of Pu Luo, black reach benefit Er Wen Ling Dun from capital in province city south the door walked into a group of geezer armed businessman, from the company whom those more than 20 Jings strengthened brigade mercenary soldier body up, the citizen of the city avenue of Wen Ling Dun seemed to smell very thick soldier's flavor, while the wagon of that elegant pomp's being different from more is the businessman who goes out to go into business, because of thus of the line appearance was like also a certain billionaire to take domestic to go out a tour.
"Love Er to reach a young lady, can descending the officer apply for in the city to take a rest for a night?"The armed escort with suffered look grows a second inside the gram finally cannot helped but, pulled out a horse to walk to the wagon is careful to whisper before the window, " all the way of the sorcery transmission hurt to everyone's body a lot too big, perhaps arriving aroma that is second to give Er of generation of time, descending the officer has already canned not implement a job,monster beats."
The car window opened and peeped out a beautiful young girl with beautiful light hair, saw her smilingly stretch out a finger, "all right, a night, tomorrow continue!"
Slice, who make you have to follow, again the nobody forces you …… Er uncle especially and thunder boon is really also of, die live different[one] person of idea oneself to go out alone, again not ability too many must expose ability, not I have already flown ……
The moxa beautiful Se Rui Nuo saw the street out of the eye car and discovered that people's facial expressions are all very nervous, seem the title of atmosphere like this and this"the city of poem text" to not agree with to match very much.A few days ago initiate absolute being to teach the follower how to deliver intelligence report is true, has the sharp point of empire battalion already influenced the big city of this republic interior region?
The empire emperor suddenly returned to, the empire prime minister pulled Wei rare the Er indeed as expected is an old fox, at every step push forward, not and tightly not slow, since not give offense to emperor, again the hospital of tallest elder statesman decoration's tossing about in the frontier more than 20 army corpseses must not add hospice, the rhythm of war all is pulled now Wei rare the Er controled, as long as the hospital of tallest elder statesman at lord attack direction up judge any problem, 3 gather to order more than 200,000 empires soldier and then can easily push forward, think to sea space's pulling virtuous Si has to be sent by the tallest elder statesman's hospital west line come and pull Wei rare Er dead Dou.
In fact so had better, in case the archon east for considering as correct think the west thinks and chase all energies and empire soldier battle is a good affair to the silver wolf, otherwise the sky knows that his idea and flower recruit and use in the whose body.However until now, all have no accurate news proof sea space to pull virtuous Si have been already come out again, he will really get will stand by with folded arms empire battalion to beat in?After all the empire soldier isn't a silver wolf.
Er uncle especially of"the Lu fixs the Si the united kingdom silver wolf autonomy to get diplomatic agent's regiment" should have been already set out, they will go to gram Kingdom in text Delhi and Lu Er west the and Si give a gram of Kingdom to launch diplomacy, superficially is a public discussion to look for the foreign policy that the mainland stabilizes, in fact is the company Mao, military cooperation that launches to have a formal identity for the first time for the silver wolf, stay to they free activity of time is in fact few, at the latest have to on September 15 arrive to depend on Si especially the city and everyone remit to match, because this several and silver wolf have connection of national represent all over there, oneself is used as to represent Ba Luo Pu's king and the E benefit Shan dew to reach princess' ground"the autonomy gets an argument government meeting vice-chairman" is have to attendance.
"Second inside gram.How to stop?"Moxa beautiful Se Rui the Nuo is deliberating an affair, feel that the wagon didn't walk, curious under uncover the result to the car curtain and discover his/her own troops be been a flock of by the front very big the side garden flows out from the street comer to impeded road, "see."
Don't is excessive long, youth's military officer ran to come over, "love the Er reach a young lady, good elephant front of street heart someone in the garden at lecture, ask the tallest elder statesman's hospital to stop releasing new mobilizing of 1 to make!"
It is strange.Lin Si's republic of Pu Luo is also a bellicose nation, citizen all with join troops for glory, how they of the citizen will suddenly be unsuited to featly choose anti- this time fight?
"You didn't listen to wrong?"The moxa beautiful Se Rui Nuo has a little to oddly shake, " finds out pure Chu again!"
"Doing not listen to wrong is mobilizing of now of protest to make ……however this of mobilize to make very strange, is the special absolution hard labor that the tallest elder statesman's hospital releases order.A few provinces big city's selling the body a serf is given by the tallest elder statesman's hospital to have the initiative an amnesty, the official ransom dismisses their serf's identities, then chooses Jing strong join republican of army, these people protest against this order, think gloriously soldier's identity should belong to a free citizen, not those serf."
My good heavens, these republic citizens are to protest against these contentses, they do each all fancy battlefield?Speak of, probably is they would not like to the white white lose these serfs who can provide production for them?Money can again Zheng, sell the body serf before implementing republic law to become freeman if not blackmail till the last of term.They aren't pleased.
Also not to, press the truth republic should train the strongest troops to throw in combat now be.Meeting why does the so hurried choice set set up troops like this?
Fight war of attrition?Keep crack real strenght?The tallest elder statesman's hospital of craftiness ……at give the identity of selling the body serf's freedom become at the same time their cannon fodder resists an empire soldier, the people's life in fact is the number that increases or decreases on a battlefield at the their ground brain.Incredibly also have so much a citizen to infatuate with in the interval.
However republic citizen that the excellent tradition is really also severe, so ground citizen to nation outward the war aware of self thus, enthusiasm, proud of, the troops like this indeed as expected allow of no small see, no wonder that the battalion of He Si inside Luo all still don't surrender under the so difficult situation, if change into a sea space and pull virtuous Si to direct, probably the silver wolf is smoothly very difficult and walks till today this one step.
The sea space pulls virtuous Si, if lays aside him to confusing of feelings and the benefits, in fact is also a quite good man ……have mercy on this world.Why is weakness that excellent man has all so obvious?Especially the inside hopes sea benefit Si, essence pure simple.Can the identity of emperor make him don't control a sort selfish but extremely conceited, the slightest neglect an others ground feeling, expressed too many occupancy desire and conquest desire while loving a person;The sea space pulls virtuous Si, but the excellent but special man enchants to infatuate with in the benefits moderate breezes month field Related articles:

