
Artist Series izhonghe nodded

Appreciate Yu Yunwen have cudgeled one ,sincerely : is my indiscretions ,also hope husband forgive me. but the thought of himself ,but heart is dull, said: I have been downhearted ,but not as you wish , relationresultYu Yunwenwas silent for half the day ,before: or ,different people have different aspirations.
,not force .But all this come, not just to tell you this, but there is another matter ,will you please help me do it ,will you ? , relationresultYang Yanstrange ,said: she is my song prime minister ,rule by ,I do not know what things ,I need to do , relationresultYuYun-wen said: I consider repeatedly ,this thing without you .
You know that Manichaeism in the southern rebellion thing ? , relationresultYang Yan: I have a smattering of nodding ,not the court sent Wei to be Bujun douzhihuishi division leading to the Wu Du Ping ? , relationresultYuYun-wen sighed : unfortunately, Wu mouth airway arch to Guangnan ,lien adverse ,it was a good drubbling .
Now Manichaeism has occupied Guangnan thirteen state armed forces two house ,great in strength and impetus ,limelight strong , relationresultYang Yanwas astonished ,said: even the Wu Jie Du also suffered a defeat ?Manichaeism army really so bad? , relationresultYu Yunwen alsosaid : this I also puzzle ,although the impetus head ,the number is numerous, but Bi Jing is just a bunch of untrained a motley crew of Wu Gong with the infantry division is the song most elite troops ,and sophisticated assembly .
Even if the climate does not suit one. ,to calendar good reason ,will not be so fast .Now the court has been located in Guangnan is famous for the company ,with business model makes them ,to Guangnan ,hoping to reverse the trend , relationresultYang Yandao: adults in military are not proficient ,went to Guangnan but also won role.
The rebels since there is such a strong fighting capacity ,that can defeat Wu Jie Du ,there must be other reasons .If it does not find the reason ,I am afraid it is difficult to put down the rebellion .
But let the rebels into the breath, the Jin army in the north to fight back, my song can be dangerous , relationresultYuYun-wen said: you are right ,so I just want to let you go to Guangnan ,spying on the rebels in reason , relationresultYang Yanwinced said: this is spying on military ,Department staff Division of things ,why should I ? , relationresultYu Yunwen smiled: first ,you master the art of war, find out the rebels win after the reasons to find an antidote against the disease ,counter-insurgency strategy .
Second ,now Guangnan ,in the army ,you done scouts ,martial arts ,is alert, the chance of success will be larger , relationresultYang Yan thought,Yu Yunwen is said to have sense, they are considered to be appropriate candidates for ,and asked: my grandfather knew ? , relationresultYu Yunwen smiled and said: this thing I is the natural and Tongan county Wang discussed ,but said he was afraid he couldn you ,to me personally to persuade you ,can you give me this face? , relationresultYang Yansmiled at me ,said: husband and my grandpa is discussed ,I have nothing to say , relationresultYu Yunwen smiled,seems to be confident ,he took out a jade collection : jade collection is the Privy Council issued ,is your certificate.
To Guangnan later ,your task is to detect a and X ,as well as method ,cheap dr dre beats. By this token ,you can directly to the fan next ,or Wu arch ,what need they fit can be raised .But your actions are not affected by their bundles ,all by yourself to act according to circumstances ,that is to say ,if you do not feel the need ,can not go to Fan Chengda and Wu arch , relationresultYang Yan took thetoken ,some exceeding one .
But Yu Yunwen gave him so much free space ,also won the heart .He stowed the token ,and said: you ,now, so I say goodbye , relationresultBack home,Yang Yan immediately went to find Yang Yizhong.
Then Yang Yizhong was den sit ,apparently waiting for him. , relationresultSee himcoming ,Yang Yizhong Road : you seen Yu Yun-wen , relationresultYang Yan:he nodded seen , relationresultYangYi Road : then he entrusted to you the things you promised ? , relationresultYang Yandao: promise , relationresultYang Yizhongsuddenly have a smile ,said: you play grate when to get up ? , relationresultYang Yandao: since I have promised, so don ,this two days I things ,late third days to leave ,hope to have the Spring Festival before coming back , relationresultYang Yizhonghe nodded : after you left ,I will try to tell you they are grandpa ,let them also went to Guangnan to look after .
Home all things by me ,not something, you can rest assured. But now the situation in Guangnan is confused, dragons and fishes jumbled together .But Manichaeism operating in Guangnan for nearly forty years ,ingrained master ,teaching in many ,you this time to Guangnan ,can want to be careful , relationresultYang Yannodded: I know.
listening to Yu Yunwen ,of course he can imagine the situation in Guangnan is so confused ,this time to Guangnan is very dangerous. But he still accepted Yu Yunwen ,but also because he is always on the death of Yu Gongliang guilty in the heart ,this time in any case to help Yu Yunwen once again.
, relationresultA south 3 , relationresultYang Yan fromYang Yizhong ,back to their home ,first tell tassel .He would say to Guangnan about military .Just say yes to a long journey ,need a few months .
relationresultTasseldidn ask where he is going ,just told him to be careful on the road ,and then to give him pick up the luggage .Just as Yang Yan go .Yang Yan was born a warm ,he has lost Zhao Qianru ,no matter how also cannot lose tassel .
Also ,this time to get things done back ,with a tassel and Rui Yan left Ling ,here is not ,simply returned to the Rinzai village to settled down .relationresultThe following day,Yang Yan went to the optical diffraction ,leaving his home .
But he did not hide from light diffraction ,say oneself want to go to Guangnan. , relationresultOpticaldiffraction didn him to go to Guangnan to do ,just said: Guangnan was now a Manichaean insurrection ,will be this to ,to be careful.
, relationresultYang Yansuddenly thought of light diffraction have great experience ,he may know about a thing ,asked : the master can know they come from,Artist Series? , relationresultOpticaldiffraction : I to have a smattering of original ,Manichaeism is eight hundred years ago the Persians mani created a religion ,subsequently spread to western countries .
In Tang Dynasty to china .Wu Zetian year (694 years ) extension contained many Persians from birth to hold two cases to our country .In seven years ( 719 years ) the country China Khan emperor credit on table ,offer the solution of astronomical mu ,please buy the church .
It is strictly forbidden under the order of Tang Xuanzong ,but Xihu can keep faith .Thus, the incoming Uighur ,quickly became the state religion. The An Lushan Rebellion stage ,because of the Huihe help Tang Pingluan active ,Manichaeans by back support ,to the mission in china .
The emperor years ,an associate of Huihe Manichaean mani temple built in Changan -- Dayun Temple of light .Thereafter ,it should be back to ask, in Jingzhou ,Yangzhou ,more and more states like temple .
Wu Zong three years in Huichang ,but later the Huihe was fading ,withdrawal from Tang ,Tang also changed the previous state ,banned around the Mani temple .Tang Wuzong Huichang three year killing method ,Manichaeism also escape the robbery, turn in the folk secret circulation .
Five Dynasties and ten days ,the state change frequently, also to prevent ,then in the folk Dasheng forces . To my great song Kaizhao ,was banned ,but in Fujian ,Zhejiang ,the coastal areas of Guangnan and Western countries have business dealings, but also difficult to completely prohibited.
His teachings simple ,close to the people ,so also in Folk Circulation very blazing ,Beats Solo HD, relationresultYang Yan asked again: Manichean doctrine is what ? , relationresultOpticaldiffraction : a fundamental doctrine ,for a total of two cases of three border . Related articles:

