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Meng Heng, notice ,immediately sent troops .relationresultBut inthe Epistle to the Meng cross the very next day ,Meng Lanjun gives Xu Hailai a letter in the letter warned ,Xu ,Meng Wang a deceitful person ,known as the annexation of their ambitions ,so credulous ,by July eighteen days, it is better not to attack ,but must wait ,as Bangladesh the side that success again .
relationresultXu Hai receivedMeng Lanjun ,immediately and Ji Xiangqiong ,into East and leaves three people .relationresultInto theEast : ,I see blue aunt said nothing wrong ,Meng cross the old bastard good stuff ,might just use the deal with Song Jun to burn our strength ,so must not believe him ,I think this time best connected to not let Meng Heng go out ,and Song Jun fight .
, relationresultSpiraeafrowned ,and said: can in Bangladesh ,transverse nature can not be defensive, but this time, if not to seem to be some wrong, after all this time, Song Jun broke our money .
I think we should dispatch troops, but be careful . , relationresultInto theDonglin glared at him ,said: how carefully . , relationresultJi Xiangqiong smiled: in fact, as blue was the letter said ,we went to the hill near to don attack ,first sent to see Bangladesh cross the situation over there, if Meng cross attack him, Song Jun is not ready ,then we attack .
If the forces are ready, Meng cross did not succeed, we discontented retreat ,beats by dre uk,so there is no loss . , relationresultXu Hai nodded,and said: I think so ,you see ? , relationresultLeaf: sister-in-law said, this is a good idea ,I agree .
, relationresultCheng Donglinnodded ,and said: I agree with . , relationresult******************************relationresultSongQian Road six years ,July 18th, night .relationresultThen comes atmid-month ,a full moon is like a hook hanging in the sky ,twinkling light rays .
Dark sea, suddenly appear numerous ships ,to the Guangzhou City docks .Meng cross standing on the bow ,through faint moonlight ,watching the three hundred step outside the Guangzhou dock ,the shore at only three or four ships, shore dimly is a city lights view .
relationresultIf it is normal,even at night, the docks of Guangzhou will be filled with a variety of ships, most of the ship would point light ,from time to time can also hear the sound of music the band enjoyed the trip .
The shore is brightly lit ,countless Porter ,horse ,cart is still at the pier waiting for the night ashore unloading ships ,cheap dr dre beats,to and fro ,lively by degrees do not lose in the daytime .
relationresultBut sinceMeng cross ordered the ban since, besides official fleet starting or landed when outside ,usually stop bank merchant and less, sometimes one day to be a boat dock ,is day is desolate ,even at night, is a quiet, only a few light piss lantern flashing faint light .
relationresultButstill do not have the effect that Meng Wang ,command brigade vessels to stop, sent several underlings rowing boats used to have a look .relationresultAfterhalf an hour ,sent to spy on the ball back and ,in the dock was nothing against .
And then someone came to report ,Meng Lanjun and Xu Haina both to send tell Meng ,transverse ,and they all reached the shore ,just waiting for time to ,you can start to attack .relationresultMeng Henglistened very glad ,it seems tonight attacks in Guangzhou is close to success .
Then Meng Huiming went up to him ,said: Daddy ,when coming to the US ,is it right? Can begin . , relationresultMeng Henglooks the day ,nodded ,and said: the command down ,start the attack .
In the darkness ,a semaphore is not used ,can only use the torch to the herald .relationresultThis time,Meng transverse altogether out of vessel size one hundred and forty-seven ,the number of Qiqianwubaiduo people ,which belongs to the Meng horizontal Hidden Dragon Island ship only one hundred, the number of more than 6000 people ,the other thirty-seven ships one thousand hundred people from six dependent on Meng transverse small pirate ,this time is pulled out a war of bangladesh .
relationresultBecausethe pirate ship bow range is only sixty to seventy steps ,so they can get to the shore to range .Thus with the Meng horizontal command ,one hundred and forty-seven pirate ship with oars ,rowed over the shore .
Gradually away from shore near, Meng Wang also can avoid a see ,the dock was almost no one ,it seems not in the ship attack ,can push bank operations .But Meng cross or very carefully, to command the thirty boat to shore ,other large vessels temporarily in fifty or sixty step on the sea shore stop .
relationresultWhena striker thirty ships with only ten or twenty steps away from the shore ,as would rely on to the shore ,where the water is not deep, have many pirates have jumped off the boat ,the sea shore to bleed .
However some dived into the sea pirates suddenly found something wrong, in surface seawater and seemed to have a layer of adhesive Huhu things ,made a strange taste .Not your usual often smell fishy salty .
relationresultThe twelve raid on Guangzhou 6 , relationresultWhena striker thirty ships with only ten or twenty steps away from the shore ,as would rely on to the shore ,where the water is not deep, have many pirates have jumped off the boat ,the sea shore to bleed .
However some dived into the sea pirates suddenly found something wrong, in surface seawater and seemed to have a layer of adhesive Huhu things ,made a strange taste .Not your usual often smell fishy salty .
relationresultis what ... ... , relationresultBeforethe pirates come to understand suddenly ,on the sound of a gong sounded ,followed by a series of sharp arrows broken empty sound ,many with flame arrows flew high into the air, and then immediately fall ,directed by pirates near the shore .
relationresultWhen thearrows with a flame to sea time, listen only Peng close to the shore and sea suddenly lit fires in the males ,are formed along the coast for hundreds of step wall .
The pirates pioneer thirty ship immediately into the flames ,only burned the ship pirates have repeatedly wailing ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,acrid smoke and fire Jiaochou fills the sea .relationresultMeng Heng at the backwere scared out in a cold sweat ,song should have preparation early, but just his cautious point ,sent thirty ships as the vanguard ,or have been since the Yibaisiwushi boat is not all buried here .
relationresultThe original Yang YanMeng Lanjun received a letter from tonight ,knowing Meng Heng will launch an attack against Guangzhou ,immediately ready to lay ,on the shore of five thousand soldiers ,two thousand archers ,one thousand Shenbi Archer and thirty bed crossbow rack thirty ,trebuchet ,for fear of being Pirates found ,thus the ambush is the shore far away ,.
And life on the sea and oil ,and pirate ships at sea ,to ignite the oil ,and then ambush Song Jun together to fight ,pirate ships bow arrow .relationresultWhile thethirty ships to the full burning ,fire more fierce ,not only reflected the red ink the same sky ,also put ashore as a daylight as bright, only in the distant from shore ,countless song ,one for the coast ,one archery ,time arrow arrow like rain to pirate boat they shot .
Meng transverse hastily ordered ,ordered all ship immediately returned fire .Time arrow as Locusta migratoria generally in the burning sea flying back and forth .relationresultSong Junjiwashed ashore ,one thousand men with tower shields of soldiers standing in the front of erected a tower shield ,formed a long shield wall ,to block the pirate radio over arrows, and Song Jun Archer and Shenbi archers were hiding in the tower shield behind, to the pirate fleet of archery . Related articles:

