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With BOT to his place .He will treat us to dinner !!Ha ha arrest ,interesting and walked out of the room .relationresultBOTis the sudden and dramatic change was bewildered ,standing in the no reaction .
Or Karoo to react, a light kick on his stomach .The shortness of the whispered : don go ,you are the beast ,to make a general and a title Sergeant waiting for you ?Go quickly !! , relationresultThekick up BOT reaction over, turned and ran out of the room .
relationresult. relationresultThe thirty chapter banquet , relationresultAhorse carriage ,BOT is helping Sai Kai will be fitted with pipe ,while the latter is comfortable and leaned back in his chair ,cover in uniform outside the black cloak ,in from the window and shot into the sunlight, to fully display its expensive cloth bot .
relationresultThecloak and blood cloak is the same as the nature ,only the major general rank and above the stars above sergeant rank can have .Is also a status symbol ,blood is a cloak a phi ,and black cloak is uniform when the cover on the outside .
relationresultYou smoking ?Bot . General Si Kai is to help her feel free to ask with tobacco .relationresultBOTsmiled and replied : yes sir, I smoke will be installed .To sky .relationresultDo you like what kind of tobacco ? , relationresultI like ,endless barren native autumn yellow tobacco .
, relationresultSi Kaiwith interest by road: it a very strong tobacco !When I was young I also like .It is not good, old !! , relationresultOh ,your excellency modest ,just to watch your body that you must be a powerful warrior .
BOT compliment Road , relationresultAnyracial intelligent creatures ,like listening to music ,especially the music it is from an outstanding young .It is easier to make people happy .
relationresultHa ha ha Sai Kai hearty smiles ,replied : now is not good, I in the unification war ,lost a leg .Now you see is a prosthesis ,which is why I from combat troops to the military forces of reason .
, relationresultThe grown-ups but Empire hero !! BOT to compliment .relationresultNot to say yes or noto nod .Si Kai to tobacco topic : autumn yellow but unpopular to tobacco .Do not buy it ! , relationresultYes .
Adult. Generally in close proximity to the vast wilderness several city has sell .The also have .But less . , relationresultIs ? Sky is nodded .Then said: I like .Emerald Dream forest habitats Snowy River tobacco .
Have you ever heard of it? , relationresultOf course.Adult BOT is a little excited .Said: also love to thousands of people up to repair the tobacco smoke .He used to give me tasted two .
It taste quite alcohol and .Snowy River is very valuable to tobacco ? , relationresultPrecious is rare .But it is not very easy to buy .Generally only the human city has sell .But now it .
There are a number of large amount of Lun fort to tobacco shop .They sell snow River Tobacco is very famous . Si Kai spit smoke after continued. Unfortunately ;Kansas was massacred .
Originally it was known to the tobacco distribution center . , relationresultHear the word.BOT stayed ;I have been to .In Kansas defense and proud .But it really is something to be proud of ?In order to keep kansas .
Huge edge by Lothar ,army command .The Kansas City remaining all from imperial law protection to race and captured Union soldiers to Robbie .All slaughtered .And their corpses scattered throughout the city average to everywhere .
In order to provide raw materials for later scourge !!relationresultThe killingof people no longer ,this is a soldier .BOT, since he knows the news, is in contradiction :Although he only played one year of war ,but due to the particularity of the forces on the battlefield ,he estimated finished early thousand people cut .
BOT kill is not shy .relationresultHisindulgent even under the robbery ,rape .However ,it is because the BOT is clear if the enemy occupied the Imperial City ,they will do, will do even more too .
To this point ,the light from all human state ,openly allowed the orcs to slaves ,as can be seen .relationresultBut themassacre !Or Tu has occupied city .This is really the point .....
...relationresult? General Si Kai voice will BOT out of mind .relationresultWell !!No sir, make blind and disorderly conjectures , relationresultGeneralnodded ,his finger pointed out of the window and said: we got ,that is Ciro .
, relationresultSi Kaifingers looked down ,a huge house ,not accurate ,should say is a castle appears on the horizon ,it should be the style of ancient Chinese architecture .Sweet black rectangular stone into .
Around the yard has planted ,all kinds of trees ,each tree are not compact ,but well-proportioned .Afar gives people a solemn ,mysterious feeling .relationresultSee theBOT surprise ,Sai Kai aside said: the house was, the amount of lueneburg garrison commander ,we take the amount of lueneburg ,the commander beheaded .
The house was given .Get moving !We should get out , relationresultThe castle gate,BOT just saw ,wearing clothes emperor * * broken cranial Sergeant :Hero , relationresultTouch a standard salute, BOT timely said: salute to you, and the Lord it is only the title of sergeant said honorifics .
relationresultToback a gift,beats dr dre, he approached the affectionate pat BOT shoulder : my little brother ,we are right here waiting for you ,so long did not arrive ,I thought it was a sky you caught directly back to the military forces .
Ha-ha. , relationresultDon ,BOT so excellent a sergeant, I have nothing to hold !! Si Kai took his conversation .relationresultHirolaugh more happily : ha ha ha ,yes, go to our advanced ,dinner is ready ,chat while eating .
Then he pulled the BOT across the two guards were posted to the door ,entered the castle ,into the hall .relationresultThe hallwas let BOT was surprised ,for an area of three hundred square metres ,black marble floor ,four large crystals chandeliers ,wall covered with vines ,golden ,even a casual clothes hanger can be called art .
Hall of the two spiral staircase leads upstairs .relationresultNo moretime to appreciate ,BOT is pulled into the hall on the left side of the dining room .The dining room has an area of about one hundred square meters ,is placed in the middle of a paved with rectangular table cloth .
In addition to stand around the servants, and an orc woman sat at the kitchen table thematic left a second position .relationresultHepulled Bott station ,on which the woman said : wire network ,this is our today guest ,Bott .
BOT, this is my wife ,wire network , relationresultBOTwas quickly : salute salute to you, mrs. , relationresultCiro is very generous, slightly nodded and said: the young warriors ,but also to pay tribute to you .
Come and sit down ! , relationresultJust sit down ,just sit down ,cheap dr dre beats.In Hiro let the servant to serve you .His wife of wire network ,said: you have a look this baby ,Hiro ,long and our Beek like !You look at the eyes and the nose .
There are no fangs !! , relationresult he said with a smile : you this woman ,said is anything !If Beek can have the courage I BOT half to ones content .But also have fangs ?All di * * people have fangs !!!relationresultDo youknow ?BOT in Kansas City when the war ,cheap beats by dre;but the battle chasers will ah !!This is not, he is still in combat organization soldiers formed a small circular array, greatly improves the strength !It is bold and crafty !!Ha-ha. Related articles:

