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The mutiny of 6 , relationresultOthers followed his gaze direction to look ,saw the wall falling down a young woman ,to salute : disciple is happy door under the Hong Shuer ,saw three predecessors ,who dare ask ,is it right? Three predecessors is known as the three million lakes old timers ,Gu Lao ,B old-timer? , relationresultB sue and water mirror is friendship ,ha-ha laughs: well ,just the three of us old monster ,little girl ,you are the student or disciple in mirror ,beats by dre uk.
, relationresultWhen Hong Shuer saw his hunchback ,that he is God camel B sue ,he immediately said: that is seen in a swami ,B veteran .A few people here are so good ,young brother of the event ,now very dangerous, please hurry to find a way to save his predecessors .
, relationresultShe had to seize Zhao Yueru things Yang Yan would not agree ,know to persuade Zhao Yueru to put a person is not possible .She is all corners of the country people ,just to see Zhao Yueru as apprentices ,and improper she is a princess ,no worry ,thinking, only to inform Zhao Qianru ,let them try to save Yang yan .
Zhi Hao did not expect to meet here quack Qi ,but this one ,save Yang Yan hold more .relationresultListening to people ,be startled at all ,Zhao Qianru rushed to grab before Hong Shuer ,said: big girl ,exactly what happened, please tell us your detailed .
, relationresultHong Shuer nodded ,that the Yang Yan was caught after Zhao Yueru said again ,and after listening without fear, Zhao Qianru also did not think of, this time back to near the palace aways ,but don on Zhao Yueru to finally have a problem ,but not entirely convinced, because Yang Yan and Zhao Yueru relationship with her is the most clear ,Zhao who really do ?relationresultWhen the Hong Shuer arms pulled out from a letter to Zhao Qianru ,said: Yang brother said ,to give you this letter ,you know the true and false .
, relationresultZhao Qianru received a letter not not read ,open ,finally convinced ,Yang Yizhong ,Wan Xiansheng ,valley Zhengyang ,B Sue et al said: Hung said the girl a little good, the letter is our long before the agreed signal ,only I and arthritis Lang Cai know, this is it won .
And turned to Hong Shuer : Hong girl ,thank you for the adventure to tell us ,thank you very much . , relationresultHong Shuer said: the princess ,now Yang Shixiong although by the group ,but there were no danger ,but a long time will be difficult, you need to do something .
I is not short of time, I doubt if ,this is a step ahead . , relationresultHong Shuer gone ,million Xiansheng hate hate : dog emperor ,and the dogs to help a traitor, was not a good stuff ,previously killed Yue Pengju, and now the key inflammatory ,do not hesitate ,we immediately broke into the house ,and deliver in infants .
Said three people had to leave .relationresultYang Yizhong hastily stopped ,said: the three, not reckless action ,or take the long view . , relationresultAglared B ,said: Yang Yizhong ,also give ?Be late to a child ,arthritis was that help it to cause injury to ,it also let you view .
, relationresultTrack: Yang million was Yizhong ,if you better way ,then say it out ,if not, then according to our approach to do it . , relationresultYang Yi Road : I immediately went to Chen Xianghe Han Ziwen ,who saved them immediately to see the emperor ,save Zi Hao .
, relationresultWan Xiansheng also did not speak ,Zhao Qianru said: no. .It is no use . She turned to Yang Yizhong, said: , relationresultYang Yi heard ,disappointed sigh ,silent .In fact, he also knows ,the emperor used this plot gimmick catch Yang Yan, apparently does not care .
Looking for Chen Junqing and Han Yanzhi didn use ,but he is several decades ,through in-depth royalism sliding cord ,nature has not endorsed million Xiansheng ,valley Zhengyang ,B sue practices .
Now empty worry no way .relationresultB Sue nodded ,and said: so, but according to our way to do it ,could rescue arthritis . , relationresultZhao Qianru shook his head again , Grandpa ,Grandpa said :three ,your way is not a sure card ,your martial arts although the ,but now the temporary line in Ling palace although not so big, there are ten houses ,you know Yan Lang was kept there ,and even if you broke into the palace ,found in Lang ,if they put a knife in the neck with Lang ,how do you do it? , relationresultWan Xiansheng listened to ,nor by a terrified, and said: as she hit ,you said really make sense, we can not act rashly .
Do you have any better way not . , relationresultZhao Qianru insisted : only one way ,that is a mutiny ,the siege to the palace ,forcing them to Yan lang . , relationresultOther people listening ,to nothing too big response ,but Yang Yizhong was shocked that Zhao Qianru body ,must do more ,fibrillation track: is it not .
.. ... Is ... ... Rebel two words still did not say exports .relationresultZhao Qianru looked at Yang Yizhong ,every single word or phrase : in addition ,we had no way out ,not that we want to do ,but was forced to this step .
Grandpa ,now ,even if you do not agree ,I have to do . , relationresultB have laughed ,pat Zhao Qianru ,saying: girl ,inflammation is not to marry the wrong person .Young man ,you just do it ,this is your own grandson .
, relationresultYang Yizhong a weak smile ,sigh ,said: do what ,I won ,you are going to start soon ,I won . Said and went into the house ,apparently ignore .relationresultZhao Qianru chew Yang Yizhong, understand the meaning of Yang Yizhong .
The government is the main temple of heaven division ,Yang Yizhong now or before the division are directing ,he can ,it means not responding because secretary who Malay .No house division troops block ,a mutiny besieged palace chances of success would be more .
But now the court grabbed Yang Yan, Yang Yizhong will be implicated ,may not be killed ,but absolutely not official ,cheap dr dre beats,but a court decree ,for others as temple are directing the Secretary ,will ,so to them quickly .
relationresultZhao Qianru of the house to visit and worship ,said: Grandpa ,thank you very much . Then turned ,for other humanitarian : if you are willing to join me in a mutiny ,rescued in lang .
, relationresult7fourteen mutiny , relationresult7fourteen mutiny , relationresultWu tin immediately : princess ,you would call it, I must first make . , relationresultZhao Qianru nodded ,and said: LX, you now immediately went out of the city ,outside the town of Cao notification system ,let him lead the troops ,from the West into the heaven palace .
The town immediately after ,four army ,each three thousand people ,they keep any day Pro house four, the rest of the people are rushed to the temporary line in . , relationresultLing Xiang nodded ,and said: well ,I .
, relationresultZhao Qianru and sue to B : three Grandpa ,you go and LX ,a road or a reference . , relationresultB Sue also nodded ,the LX : young man ,let . , relationresultAnd when they were gone ,Zhao Qianru and Wu Xidao : Wu management, now you right back to camp ,set of people, and then defeated two ,sent one thousand men ,led by Tie Chenglin, to attack the West outside the town ,await the arrival of reinforcements .
All other forces besieged palace .I first set staff ,and then went to camp and you . On the valley Zhengyang : two Grandpa ,you go and forest . , relationresultWu tin ,valley Zhengyang ,iron forest are gone .
Zhao Qianru immediately ordered ,set staff .His return to the chamber ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,out of time, to wear good armor ,the right hand holding a helmet ,left hand on the waist hanging sabre ,armed to the teeth . Related articles:

