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Don't thought of that the soldier in summer cans be so quick and then squelch Shandong to, in his eyes, have no in about a year, the summer soldier can not quell Shandong, even if is to occupy Shandong, also need a great deal of time to protect a territory to restore peace to people.Pacify public, besides, even if the summer soldier occupied Shandong, the ground Wang Shi Chong of Henan can't lets one has one's own way, either, the of two huge monsters makes it a point to a dozen get into a hot dispute, can not be southern to attend to, go toward deep place on thinking, even if Wang Shi Chong doesn't strike against the soldier in summer, the summer soldier can't abandons Wang Shi Chong to neglect, either.Leave such a confident great trouble the body side is at oneself, then be devoted to go down south?As long as the persons who a little bit have a little military common sense all know and do like this of danger.
In plum's eyes, oneself wants the only path he/she wants to seize world.Is various strong in the north while must getting into a hot dispute, becoming a pot of gruel indiscriminately, the dozen jumps the gun to squelch Chiang-Nan and takes Chiang-Nan as a base.With lend Yangtze River natural defense, match with north, then, take advantage o northern various strong nobody wins again.The real strenght wears away, consumes a huge moment and leads soldier Northern Expedition.Achievement not the achievement of a life time.Even if can not seize world.Go to not benefit can also resume at the beginning South and North Dynasty confrontation of situation.
Therefore, he this just lets the left filial piety friend stay to guard East China Sea.Bottom, guard own old nest, oneself then leads a main force to go down south, Tun soldier sea Ling, watch and wait rivers all.
Before Li Jing goes down south, put in front of him of there are two aggression routes, on being set out by the county of Lang Ye, attack plum of old nest East China Sea county, another route is to set out from the Lu county, attack Peng city, Peng city county not at plum ground sphere of influence inside, garrison Peng city of is old Sui officials and local Hao strong set sets up of government, the officials take local Hao strong noble family sons as a lord, soldier mostly is native son, from the strong noble family Hao pay a food restores peace to people by protecting a territory, the name set resisting robber sets up and compares with plum, the real strenght wanted to be weak many, only, because of this troops ground the purpose isn't to battle out world, but is to protect a territory and restore peace to people, therefore, the weapon equips although is simple and crude, morale very upsurge.
After delivering Gao Chang to these two strategic plans, what Li Jing got replies is in advance strike against Peng city.
Of so strike against Peng city, is is because the Peng city ground real strenght is weaker, the summer soldier big part is a Northerner, goes down south to strike against river east, weather, land utilization, person and all not at, everythings all need to be adapted to, hence, choose of the first opponent had better be not too strong, the Peng city at the right moment matches this condition, not only the real strenght is weaker, in view of the fact abidance by self-preservation, there is no ally, last year, for resisting east the navy's attack, also once beat off a plum two, therefore, the attack that faces the soldier in summer, he also cans not gets others ground to increase to aid.
Don't beat a plum to there is also another reason in addition.
At that time, plum just at river all and Du Fu Wei, the Ao war of Chen Fa Xing , if got old nest drive the news of set of, he might rest a soldier very much war, lead battalion to return to teacher East China Sea, such, and not agree with the benefits of matching the high Chang.
The rivers are like all piece of meat bones, plum, Du Fu Wei, Chen Fa Xing is three hungry dogs, Gao Chang hopes that they can living to kill for this meat bone dozen, each other of indirect under can not dissolve feud, next move, when the summer soldier launches Chiang-Nan strategy guide, can't be subjected to what strongly resistance, Gao Chang fears most ground is under the strong the soldier in summer pressure, these three people constitute an alliance, and oneself mutually anti-, such, even if can occupy Chiang-Nan, also fee exert tremendous amount of dint, expend a great deal of money food, and greatly chase time, also lose more than gain
Unexpectedly, present stage, his landlord wants Li Tang of an opponent or a north.
The summer soldier goes down south and strike against of but is the Peng city that has enemy with oneself county, although the plum has the felling of interdependence of neighboring states, however, isn't strong, compare but talk, more in order to draw on his vision, river all therefore, Gao Chang Duan settles a plum to consequently return to teacher East China Sea, so, connect down, summer soldier can more for launch Chiang-Nan strategy guide successfully.
What Li Jing at heart thinks is as just about as Gao Chang, he also prepares to strike against Peng city first.
His plan is easy, strike against Peng city by strange soldier, the marching of summer soldier speed calls fall into trap a life time first, the so-called soldier is amazingly fast expensive, Li Jing prepares to raid Peng city, after taking down Peng city, again dismantle, cut off soldier in East China Sea of the sea Ling and the contact of old county in nest East China Sea, certainly, attain the strategic target of the second step, the square one has to take down Peng city first county again say.
Originally think and invade this time will very smooth, Li Jing's intending to spend a month , in his eyes, can take down Peng city county for most a month, he didn't adopt a city defense a strategy that the city defense strikes against, but abandonned a rattan county and stayed a county, plentiful county, Pei county and regardless of, oneself leads the horse of several thousand people, take for a month of food grass, casual wear follow the path go straight to Peng city and want and beat and guard a soldier in the city to be a caught unprepared, go to not benefit, also want to oppress the other party and surrender by strong soldier Feng.
If any affair all can according to plan in of so implement, this also had no so many accidents in the world!
In the beginning, Li Jing met trouble, first, his private soldier cans not adapt to the weather of Chiang-Nan and is him to lead soldier to go down south from the Lu county for a ground of time.Is last August, the Peng city in August is exactly a continuous autumnal rains seasonal changes.
Big parts of private soldiers in the summer soldier aren't persons in Hebei, person in Shandong, they are more resistant to cold, however, this chill is drier that kind of is cold, rather than moist chill, the soldier emits dank autumnal rains.The disease goes on the rugged path, this isn't an affair that lets people's delectation.
Perfectly right, summer soldier ground private soldier the big part all works properly the treasure absolute being teaches of follower, at absolute being stiring up of officer and under the publicity.They morale upsurge, the will is violent, they believe deeply their they is at for the sake of a certain to the tall highest sky of life battle, they don't fear to sacrifice,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift.Isn't afraid difficult, however, sometimes, will this thing isn't and all-powerfully.Sometimes, reality of ruthlessness although not ability the Cui Kua is this kind of will, .It can defeat it.
Haven't acclimatized.This is the biggest trouble that the food for powder meets.Although,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday, in the summer soldier soldier of with the soldier military surgeon amount of grounds far far above the coetaneous troops.Although, private the soldiers with violent will at resist a disease evil, the on the way of experienced soldier, don't fight to reduce a member but also hard avoid, and, marched speed to also be forced to consequently decelerate down, when Li Jing leads this troops to arrive Peng city city bottom, in the soldier not fight to reduce a member have already come to a three number, the sick personnel in the soldier terriblely comes to a four number, those didn't the disease didn't harm a ground of private soldier, also all utterly exhausted, is a chief commander ground Li Jing also got a big disease and luckily got a military surgeon ground for dear life salvage, otherwise, he can not also arrive Peng city.
As a guest's soldier, although, in advance take charge of thinly to make there and get in large quantity intelligence report from the condition of the enemy to, in the soldier, also have some soldiers of Peng city books as guides, however, they finally can not completely conceal a line of vestige.
Although, until arrive Peng city bottom in the city just was guarded a soldier to discover a trace, also at last beating the other party one was caught unprepared, however, guard a soldier or is big of time close city gate, the suspension bridge starts to pull,Beats By Dre green Monday.
The Peng city guards a soldier obviously didn't thought of that the soldier in summer is burst upon under the city, after all, formerly the square don't have news like this to spread, hasn't been receiving to report to the police as well of signal, therefore, they didn't large-scalely adjust to gather troops, in advance also have no will green strong organize, chase they plait go into troops, so, at that time, the troops of Peng city however 1,000 bearers.
In this case, summer soldier if start toward the Peng city strong offend, also be regarded as a surprise attack, very probably a fight namely next.
Unfortunately, the summer soldier in this time is already an exhausted teacher, spent force, they basically have no energy to launch an attack, can the forced march arrive Peng city the city descend, about exhaustion all of their vitality absolute being, Anne's camp ties the time of Zhai, only have only 1200 people at guard, Li Jing intentionally makes these 100 people do a reckless appearance, the brigade form loosens loose Kua, don't speak a type, very but in the ground, the someone's lie-down's Xi smiles Nu to scold, there are more than one.
Not Li Jing anticipate, inside the city of guard a soldier drive their make a deceptive show of strength surprised lived, thought the soldier in summer so make Xuan falsely, in fact and secretly hide ambush, therefore, a helplessly looking at in the city heads Related articles:

