
Facebook h of weak states

The number ten, at least a vassal Kingdom fleet ,enough to beat the crap out of Ou Yue fleet .Asia to someone ,to material goods .Want from Chinese game player to regain Africa ,easier said than done !relationresultWinprobability is too small .
relationresultTen thousand steps back,even if ou Yue fleet narrowly won a victory ,it is bitter victory ,google,the little ships and troops .relationresultSoin the end .Eventually cheaper who ?relationresultPullhis finger to calculate is clear , empire in the world of imperial group three only ,in North America ,Europe ,China group group group .
relationresultOnce the outbreak ofthe first World War empire ,and other European Fleet and Chinese Fleet spell out the day ,natural turn only imperial America to cheap ,Europe ,Africa ,Asia ,into their navy rule .
relationresultThey areGermany ,France is not an idiot ,why make such benefits have to americans !relationresultWarwith China ,than war with China .relationresultNotat war ,they can still do business in the continent of africa .
Chinese are not out of Germany and French merchant game player .The United States of America game player is just stay in their continent .Not to the whole world backseat driver ,acts as the world police .
Three Empire group mutual diversionary .Who can become the strongest Empire group won the world hegemony .relationresultOnce theOu Yue to Chinese war ending abnormalities ,there .The best result is a Pyrrhic victory ,the worst outcome is defeated ,losing family were out of light .
relationresultUnless there is anabsolute confidence in victory ,can ensure the post-war Germany and France do not damage the interests ,they may consider participating in a robbery in the continent of Africa programme .
relationresultThis is theFrench and German game player is not willing to join Ou Yue organizational reasons .relationresultAs for theRussian ,British ,Dutch and Chinese contradiction, shut them anything ?As long as they don to their interests, they didn do to save the great man .
relationresultFrance andGermany agreed to join Ou Yue organization ,continental Europe,Facebook, many see French and German game player complexion act small game player ,nature is not willing to admixture .
relationresultRussia,Britain ,Holland chiefs game player after more than a week, run around here and there ,but was still half tone Ou Yue military organization ,and was not able to condense the whole Europe .
relationresultVolume second ofthe Bronze Age of 346 North American fleet , relationresultUpdate: 2009-7-714:05:27 chapter number :3645 , relationresultLaidler,Johannes ,except at the French ,Germans short-sighted, says Africa want sooner or later by Chinese annexation ,feel helpless ,unable to persuade the leaders of the two countries join ou yue .
relationresultThe French,Germans are clear Chinese game player expansion into Africa ,has potential threat to the safety of their .But as the frog ,not being burning pain is not fierce jump .
relationresultTheyare also active in expanding the army, strengthen the naval fleet and army forces against China ,the potential competitors ,they just as Britain ,Russia and China as the game player going into game player overall military confrontation this step .
relationresultLaidler andJohannes in continental Europe and did not get the results they want ,the two quickly turned to North america .And set out for North America ,to seek alliance with the United states .
relationresultNorth Americahas the world second strong North American fleet and North American army .The United States and Canada ,the United States of America game player to Canada as its own garden ,want to take whatever ,Canada game player strength is weak ,also has to the American game player when big brother tribute to .
The game player often wear the same pair of pants ,so simply fleet are mixed together ,formed into - - - - North American fleet .relationresultThe United States of Americagame player land forces ( the United States ,Canada site ) ,and the Chinese game player whose land forces ( China ,Siberia ,the Far East .
) .North American fleet strength can be tough ,and the China fleet strength has little difference .But the American fleet did not make Chinese fleet as victory, has not been able to take South america .
relationresultChinafleet is the face of the Korean Peninsula ,Japan ,Southeast Asia islands archipelago ,pan India ocean are numerous, but the strength of weak states ,these states in any one can not resist the China fleet to a small part of power ,not how long they will soon be up eating, become China younger brother .
In addition to India ,the eastern Pacific Ocean ,India ocean basically is Chinese fleet control .relationresultBut the Americanfleet is different, it is facing South American fleet -- an anti-American consciousness very strong opponents ,a strong military force .
relationresultSouth Americagroup, only a Brazil ,its territory area accounted for half of South america .Almost equivalent to the territory of the United States, the number of game player is about 2/3 ,is a South American military group core .
Brazil together with Mexico ,Cuba ,Argentina ,Venezuela ,Uruguay ,Chile ,a small South American country ,their strength can can resist the invasion of North America fleet .relationresultNorth Americanfleet of up to thirty thousand or forty thousand ships of old ships ,and South America fleet of about twenty thousand or thirty thousand ships of old ships .
The fighting ,the outcome of each other .relationresultThe North Americangame player first developed gunpowder ,artillery and gunboat .A U.S. navy gunboat fleet ,immediately overwhelm South American fleet ,the Mexico fleet to the crippled ,the fleet lay waste ,the South American countries Navy played quite untidy ,with Brazil fleet ,Argentina fleet was almost completely destroyed ,uprooted .
relationresultBut the Americanfleet and there is no prestige long .A team from the Chinese fleet arrived in South america .Continue to visit South America more than 10 countries .Immediately after the .
Overnight .The South American continent fire apparatus can blossom everywhere .Regardless of the size of .Almost every country has the most advanced technology of fire apparatus .South American gunboat fleet began to appear .
In the same quantity .North American fleet occupied much land is cheap .Only in the number of poor under the condition of suspension .North American fleet to win .relationresultJustsouth of fleet learned .
No longer and North American fleet battle .If the forces against North American fleet .They immediately go .The South American countries around the naval port of casting a large number of shore-based bronze cannon .
The North American fleet could not get close to the port .And the cannons of high technology .The manufacturing process is also very good .Than North American game player to cannon difference .
To attack the port .Will make the American fleet suffered heavy losses .relationresultNorth Americanfleet to fleet away to South america .Depletion of heart .But no decisive victory can be achieved ,can not completely defeated Brazil fleet ,Argentina fleet and other South American countries fleet .
Lost completely conquer the whole of South America .relationresultNorth Americanfleet to attack South American ports and native .Off South America fleet .Only the second best .Occupied America important strategic hub - Panama .
North America and South America fleet fleet engagements and scramble key area .In central Panama .And the caribbean .relationresultIn North America,Central America ,South America is a piece of one continent .
Each one of the 20000 km-long coastline .The United States east coast vessel .To go south of tens of thousands of kilometers .Around South America to Brazil ,Argentina ,Chile ,the Strait of magellan .
To reach the United States to the West coast .Such super far distance ,cnn.With South America fleet destroying obstruction .The United States of America things cross-strait boats cannot come together .
relationresultOnly inAmerica the middle of the kingdom of Panama .In the territory of the narrowest part .The opening of the Panama Canal .To get through to the United States of America cross-strait sailing line .
To cross to become North American fleet .As a whole .( American the Panama Canal .And middle Suez canal status comparable to .Strategic value. ) , relationresultAlthoughthe Canal opened Related articles:

