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Overlord ,and now work to top big Luo golden immortal ,twelve ancestor witch attacking power became apparent .relationresultWhenXiao month overlord had only one thing in mind ,that of escaping !If we cannot escape it, he is likely to fall here .
But when he stepped to go, but found neither heaven underground, he was surrounded by twelve ancestor witch .Watching all the Lord general ancestor witch fine soul ,Xiao month overlord drew a deep sigh ,rushed straight east .
relationresultAt this moment,twelve progenitor Wu Shi water hot various origin to Xiao month went to overlord ,huge energy gathers together ,potential to this Xiao month overlord detonation crushed in between heaven and earth !relationresultFifth of the indomitable fighting spirit the twenty-third chapter River Luoshu , relationresultThe round moonhangs in the Xiao month overlord heads ,exudes a silvery sheen .
Silver water, flowing full of infinite cold ,but cold is Xiao month overlord heart ,this is disowned dogs dog he had only one thing in mind ,that is living !Will survive !relationresultThree simple words,in the past ,it was not placed on the heart three words, in at this time had left him feeling is so heavy .
Twelve bright ,with devastating force from the heaven and the earth from all sides straight to shoot him ,at this moment Xiao month overlord found death he was only one step away .relationresultBe asaint ,he felt his fate is in his own hands ,no matter who thought he will be his own ,having foresight ,then change danger into safety .
But this empty mulberry hill, his mind is no warning ,from that day in road track ,cheap beats by dre,he also did not receive any tips .relationresultDoes anyonewant me? Before death ,Xiao month overlord heart strange awake .
But ,even if he is now greatly discerning and apprehending the can have what use ?Twelve Guanghua has hit him in the head of the moon .relationresultAs the hotsilver light Quartet ,the wheel from homicide to wana mountain top in his head as he lay ,fight north and South North club Luchou ,sitting on the overlord of a moon in radiation the last brilliant light ,soundless and stirless dispersed in between heaven and earth .
relationresultIn thedissipation ,Xiao month overlord if damaged ,a blood from the mouth spray green .Twelve Guanghua was a silver moon a resistance .Little power most .But its reputation is enough to make this a party to dominate to Xiao month overlord spirit all extinguish !Guanghua electric ,arranged in a crisscross pattern ,color mapping ,red mist and large silver wolf was so tired and unwilling .
relationresultIsXiao month overlord out of empty mulberry Hill Cang north .At his father head with the moon is gone ,you know well, he was rushed to think ,if not to save his father .
The same die together also heart without regret, but he can ,wana hill can not lose two kg !This is the father .As the heir to the throne to liability ,hands holding together .Shed floods down one , relationresultHiding in theblood of the bull run fog Shu ,watched to fall to Xiao month overlord .
Hearts be filled with a thousand regrets ,Beats By Dre Red Sox.This month is the invincible overlord by people, not a sin .Have pregnant loss insurance .Beyond their own roads and so long ,not so much to be very careful ?relationresultIntwelve Guanghua detonation in Xiao month by the overlord body of .
A map through the void / appear in Xiao month overlord .But see the map length is thirty-three feet ,nine feet in width ,is full of blood fog space ,emitting a sparkling white light ,the twelve light had blasted into Xiao month overlord body, the long chart on a white surface light, will twelve Guanghua all incorporated diagram .
relationresultOriginallyknown to die to Xiao month overlord saw his head that picture ,was overjoyed ,he know today ,mostly to die .There is no death threat ,Xiao month overlord to four weeks I looked, but saw round in a quartet of twelve ancestor witch incarnation and not dispersed ,but kept to himself that all our call .
relationresultThe pair offloating in the Xiao month overlord head long white figure is one, milk white smooth rise again ,would be twelve to destroy the ancestor witch fierce hill mountain attack to destroy again income long chart .
relationresultThetwelve ancestor witch fine soul incarnate again attacked it from the void ,a loud sound cold well, a black giant tortoise drop from the clouds ,straight clay pile falls to the altar !In the fall of shells from the altar ,flying over nine trichromatic white light, straight to the falling shells went to .
relationresultNineGuanghua ,momentum strong, stretching between is more like Changhong intersection on the general .But the black tortoise had no change ,still modest falling ,like a piece of stone floor general ,without any specific place ,Beats By Dre Solo.
relationresultSuch as electricrainbow nine Guanghua detonation in the black tortoise shell ,without a bit of waves, tortoiseshell through Changhong ,crashed on the altar !The altar of Lingshan ten the time although want to go, but where it went !Turtleback falls ,a smashed into the meat mud, with the altar be buried together in the empty mulberry hill a few hundred of the crust !relationresultSo far,Lingshan ten witch all died in the air of mulberry hill, who the owners against evil spirit race rule leader as flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum ,then complete silence .
relationresultWith Lingshan tenwitch ,the blood began to slowly disappear mist shrouded .Twelve huge black rod without offering support ,also a collapse in the air to disperse ,then to the progenitor the spirit to provide any support .
The twelve ancestor witch although no consciousness ,but after all they are the progenitors of the part of spirit ,feeling bad they no longer continue to attack ,but the things from all sides to quickly escape to .
relationresultThemanipulation of people seem to have been thought of these progenitor witch ,but sees the fly in the Xiao month overlord head long chart show ,the moment will empty the entire mulberry hill in a huge circle ,twelve ancestor witch spirit incarnation of the road blocked !relationresultHadseen long chart powerful ancestor witch have continued to attack ,but turned to the other direction to escape, but that figure is surrounded by a circle ,the ancestor witch are surrounded in them, with no way of escape .
/ , relationresultAsthe circle more and more small ,the huge pressure in a circle formation ,twelve ancestor witch hoarded in the long chart ,it is God has no road ,in desperate straits .
At that moment ,a voice from the sky came, like nine angels sound in general .Listen to the voice said: this should disappear thing ,also exist in this world what ! , relationresultVoice,giant tortoise shell to drop from the clouds ,straight to the twelve ancestor witch spirit hard to hit !Threatened by the twelve ancestor witch spirit while consciousness devoid of instinct ,but let them aware of the risk when toward a safe place to dodge ,see twelve ancestor witch into twelve colored light, straight to hide in the dissipate blood fog Shu fly to the bull run .
The bull run comfortable since is thrilled ,especially the long chart and tortoiseshell occurs .What is this magic weapon ,even so badly ,the royal to people who actually have such greatness .
Just as the Lingshan ten ,the smashed into the meat mud, that very top ,golden immortal .With a single battle of bull run ,Shu are not think you can beat people ,even on such a shell to be , relationresultAtNiu Ben Shu tried to escape, but he dare not rashly ,fearing that manipulates the tortoiseshell and long chart figures to his hand .
If so ,it can really come to a bad end !relationresultIn thebull run easy screen spirits to hide when, the twelve ancestor witch by Guanghua I suddenly sank his head ,do not know what is going on in the Niu Ben Shu also did not react, giant tortoise shell no pyrotechnic color drop down !Goal is to the top of his head .
relationresultTheNiu Ben Shu has no time to think ,with a thousand feet ,let the power of his body is like diving generally straight to air mulberry Hill rock fell to the !However ,bull Related articles:

