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I will go to have a look can help ,my physical mages cannot attack, several can still be under the help of ! Wandering eyes still also look at the queen ,seriously said .Two people choose silence queen ,stimulation is not generally a big !Once the success not only her task will be completed ,also do not know what the best equipment to fall out ,although she was not very keen on the game ,but just wanted to kill the queen ,have desire to silence !relationresultThe speech,Beats by Dr Dre solo,is also to themselves also took a moisturizing body operation .
She is a complete all matter master ,on the equipment each piece is added to the 30 constitution of 20 ,HP nearly 7000 ,the defence is nearly 800 ,playing silent queen is impossible ,but the help of a few, but could still be a meat shield use !relationresultGood ! Xiao Hua nodded ,then use the super BOSS card .
relationresultSystem prompt:relationresultPowerincreased by 1000 ,duration 5 minutes !relationresultPhysical fitnessis increased by 1000, duration 5 minutes !relationresultAgilityincreases by 600 ,duration 5 minutes !relationresultWisdomincreases by 500 ,duration 5 minutes !relationresultSpirit increases500 ,duration 5 minutes !relationresultLooking at thehundreds of thousands of attribute value added, Xiao Hua could not help but look under their attributes .
relationresultName:don Renqi , relationresultOccupation: Rogue ( agile system ) , relationresultRank:23 , relationresultThebeauty of heaven :relationresultRace:no , relationresultTitle:be learned in books , relationresultManual:70 , relationresultHP:940/11040relationresultMP:230/2730relationresultATK:1218 ����1227relationresultMagic attack:428 ����428relationresultPhysical defense:1197 , relationresultMagic defense:578 , relationresultConstitution:1089 , relationresultPower: 1083relationresultAgility: 790relationresultWisdom:535 , relationresultSpirit: 543relationresultUnderstanding:12 , relationresultLucky:1 , relationresultReputation:5 , relationresultThe value of PK:0 , relationresultEquipment:relationresultImpairedslime king Pijia ( EPIC ) :as a result of the forced the rough use ,this equipment has been damaged ,to be repaired .
relationresultPhysicaldefense 55 ,magic 0 ,level 15 can equip .relationresultPhysical+15 , relationresultPower+15 , relationresultAgile +15relationresultSkills:low anti Magic Shell ( active ) :5 seconds regardless of the expert level following the attacks, 5 min cooldown .
relationresultStrongfangs Dagger ( green ) :27 - 36 physical attacks ,physical +12 ,level 20 can equip .relationresultGhost Wolfleather leggings ( blue ) :Defense 18 ,magic 15 ,physical +8 ,agile +10 ,level 19 can equip .
relationresultStrongbearskin Bracers ( blue ) :Defense 20 ,magic 16 ,physical +9 ,agile +8 ,level 19 can equip .relationresultAgilewolf shoes ( blue ) :Defense 15 ,magic 12 ,agile +10 ,moving speed of +10% ,level 20 can equip .
relationresultYellowgemstone necklace ( blue ) :+8 +12 physical attacks ,magic attacks ,physical +5 ,agile +4 ,level 20 can equip .relationresultThe redring ( blue ) :+10 +7 physical attacks ,magic attacks ,physical +7 ,agile +3 ,level 20 can equip .
relationresultTheinheritance ( First Order Medal ) :relationresultPhysical+10 , relationresultPower+10 , relationresultAgile +10relationresultIntelligence +10relationresultThe spirit of +10relationresultLucky +1relationresultCharm +1relationresultResults:stealth move speed increased 5% ,the game player to steal success rate was increased by 1% ,NPC increases success rates in 2% for stealing .
relationresultAbsoluteproperty of BT, this life may have only this one can achieve this kind of terror attribute ,but time is limited ,not to enjoy leisure .Continuous drinking a super efficient recovery potion ,large life recovery agent ,small mana regeneration agent after recovery, Xiao Hua into stealth ,to silence the Queen walked past .
relationresult20 seconds togo the distance less than thirty meters ,Xiao Hua not urgent, controls the pace, almost 20 seconds of silence five meters away from the queen at !relationresultIn 20 secondstime in the past ,Xiao Hua HP had recovered to 7930 ,again a large drink life recovery agent ,waited patiently for many seconds ,Xiao Hua decisively call false image !relationresultThe use ofskills ,prowl was broken ,five meters of distance ,has undoubtedly is still the queen line !relationresultThequeen is the pace of walking a condensate ,cold face lift ,empty eyes look to Xiao Hua here ,arms and hands again !relationresultPhantom!False image was summoned ,Xiao Hua immediately let false image once again using a phantom skills !relationresultThreeas like as two peas figure appeared in silence before the queen ,three people to move in a different direction to the past !relationresultSprint,not deliberately suppressing speed ,Xiao Hua felt in nearly eight hundred agility ,body seemed to fly ,an indescribable sensation in the body back and forth to agitate ,filled to the top with shares by fast strength !relationresultThe threefigure in the air into a white, five meters distance goes to .
relationresultPhantom did notattack, is naturally toward the silent queen dagger ran as cannon fodder .The queen line again ,a rage against the phantom cut .relationresultIntraoperative identification!relationresultA poisoned!relationresultXiao Huaapproached silent queen at the same time, to the side of the queen took a silent intraoperative identification ,at the same time his and false image while using a poisoned patients .
relationresultIdentification ofsuccess !A poisoned success !relationresultTheQueen appears on a red dot ,red dot is in front of Xiao Hua was Queen ,Xiao Hua didn a dagger strike at the red dot !relationresultKonya Yumi,the crit rate is too terrible ,coupled with the eye of God skills 50% crit rate ,the blow undoubtedly a crit !relationresult- 2600!relationresultGiant purplecrit digital time ,more than 2000 crit damage greatly encouraged by Xiao Hua morale !Even without the eye of God skills ,Yao Min brings the crit rate never low ,as long as more than a few times crit ,three hundred thousand HP also make it long !relationresultAt the same time,two tiny green - 10 damage one before and one after the Queen rises from silence ,Xiao Hua and false like poisoned weapon when all took poison damage ,and both were successfully let silence queen poisoning !relationresultInjured.
relationresultAsuccessful ,Xiao Hua immediately with another can use skill .Although the entry-level injuries only accumulated 100 damage ,but this time ,even if it is a little more damage is also a step towards victory !relationresultThequeen is not only a beaten up by Lord ,Xiao Hua crit off nearly three thousand HP ,previously with fake like confrontation has not moved step finally is to move .
relationresultXiao Huathought that he nearly eight hundred agility speed is very fast ,if not also played when hanging kite plan ,but still the queen that flash display speed ,immediately let him die of this heart !Silent queen speed is not slower than his back ,if HP is reduced to a certain degree ,and might soon on a few minutes !relationresultSilentqueen dagger swing, not much skill ,Xiao Hua maintained eight hundred agile super response ,step over ,let the queen attacks fell empty .
On his body blood is not full, then must not silence the queen met ,who knows her attack will not take any negative attributes ,in this state, then a negative state ,it was definitely come to a bad end !relationresultTwinkle,Xiao Hua in a row up dagger . Related articles:

