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All and had a sky bag before it do not.
He is each each time engrave to draw to take of fairyland vitality, also have nine big ten thousand thou the tycoon is each each time engrave to draw to take of fairyland vitality, more have the fairyland vitality that the tree of world draws to take, be all coagulated by him, from removed among them the dint of the pure sun, thoroughly urge 8 to float a Tu.
These 8 float a Tu and bomb Long Long to turn and turn every time, hundred million way Long Xing Bao only spouts to shoot.Can living tycoon of a ten thousand thous suppression but die.
Now he finally know, why long give birth to the superior of secret place just can the power of exertion way machine.
Now eight powers that float a Tu, just truely presented strength.
Chapter 525 emperor releases a crosier
8 floats a Tu, although is all low grade way machine, but opened "Long Jie", put up at nine among them big ten thousand thou tycoon, more have a mysterious Buddhism extremely valued, six words really talk to work properly a sign to stick in the top.
And, mainly is that it matches two to a with square cold mind.
Square cold a promote ten thousand thou tycoon, immediately saw through the fairyland vitality of inside still keep being tended to disorder, the heart reads a to move, various fairyland vitality keeps on precipitating, pure sun vitality combustion, various magic trick reads to urge in his strong absolute being under, absolutely is like fish let into water.
Is evil for each day even, in the tower body, all at his control in, want the other party stem what, the other party dry what.Being these days of is evil, even a wisp of vitality in the equal to his body.
Still have, those nine big ten thousand thou tycoon, also is tantamount to square cold dollar absolute being to divide time.
The square trembles with fear to read a to move, can manipulate their this life world methods mutually, send forth a various magical power.Eight greatly pure sun of unlike satisfied son divides time, only has pure strength and there is no magical power.
Before, the square was cold at don't promote long living the time of secret place, although can direct these tycoons, let them be dead set.But can not read absolute being to permeate into their body, manipulate their magical power powers.Because the state isn't enough.
But now, and they the same state, that square cold absolute being reads a to move and make use of big Pu Du Chan light, project light upon them, can make their mind, temporarily the Ji puts out, while oneself manipulate their body, even this life world method is mutually.
So, the square cold absolute being reads a to move, 8 floats Tu Dang Kong to revolve, nine big ten thousand thou the tycoon's magical power, several hundred kind, all bombarded.
Nine greatest ten thousand thous the tycoon, each person, all does and then have several kinds of magical powers, particularly Cang shadow, Luo water north, is what front door parties comes out, fix for deep, each person does 99811 kinds of magical powers, badly matchless.
Have no mutually old Zu, hate all a method although the king is to spread to fix, but will also the highest magical power of evil door, greatly collapsing of one of 3,000 major ways puts out and greatly incises Shu.
Bomb Long!
8 float to butcher huge roar, all over sent forth the thunder fire of 1,100 Zhangs, various magical power, starlight, dint incise, collapse to put out of the dint fly indiscriminately, particularly the entrance of that dragon boundary, among them eight endless the true spirit of dragon inform and became a Long Xing Gang's spirit of, on flying to the outside, confused explosion.
8 floats a Tu once self-discipline successfully after, can display for a sky, the method door in secret dragon, convert the spirit of eight true dragons into eight day dragons to greatly destroy completely thunder.Being surging isn't unique, constantly and continuously.
If someone resists 8 to float a Tu, so the end only has a , that is greatly destroyed completely thunder by eight day dragons to really directly kill by explosion.
8 floats a Tu and presented to make a show of real power, coldly urge at the square under, sent out the great ability of the Long Zu the first mysterious extremely valued, at ten thousand Zhang thunder fire, many magical powers, the absolute being thunder turned by Long Jie vitality in, star emperor Long Chuang all is shivering, seems and is fearing.
Star emperor Long Chuang, this first grade way does the machine , under eight strengths that float to butcher this machine, incredibly will fear?
Certainly, it is frightened to is Long Jie, Buddha boundary, inform among them of terrible breathing.8 floats a Tu to seem a point, communicated Long Jie, the contact of the Buddha boundary.
Chu south the childe display star emperor Long Chuang, suppression square cold, don't receive any effect!
Emperor Long Chuang whom the square is cold to float a Tu with 8, resist a star after, don't stop over, the big mentally dense thunder sword sells but, directly cut to kill to Chu south childe's essence!
But his essence, feet step what then of bridge, back present the door of nose.The full-length gown way of the whole body liberality, hunt to make to ring in the breeze, now he is ten thousand thou tycoon, the whole individual's vehemences all dissimilarity, on the strength is also had great difference with past.
The big mentally dense thunder sword is in his hand now and also developed real strength, direct one sword, up and directly broke out 1,000,000,000 mentally dense absolute being thunder, don't stop to flow to turn, but the sharp point of mentally dense thunder sword, soared than the past the decuple produced the dint of a world on the sword long grass fully, the whole space all the mentally dense turned!
Square cold a promote ten thousand thou the tycoon isn't only his magical power, strength, the state all promoted and resisted means and past of making the magic weapon also not is mention in the same breath.
Exchanged blows in the past, square cold usage big mentally dense thunder sword, cut to kill Chu south the childe's"greatly protect body Shu", incredibly cut not to break.But now, in his eyes, this greatly protect body Shu is not so hard either can not Cui.
Rush toward Chi!
A sword cuts to kill but descends and greatly protect the light of body Shu to cover up, incredibly appeared fracture!
Chu south childe whole body one earthquake, protect square pure Wei at after death, list once the hand grasp, five fingers combine Long, and then present the hand of heaven, hard grasp big mentally dense thunder of sword.
He this"the hand of heaven" displaying all of a sudden mixed to greatly tie up to round Shu and greatly gobbled up Shu to etc. variety to is 3,000 major ways, badly matchless, with lend him oneself of real strenght, absolutely is appear lost in thought go into turn, exclusively arrest the person's magic weapon.
However square cold now is to how fix for?The absolute being reads a to move, this life world method of oneself mutually already and the big mentally dense thunder sword match two to a.If the sword visits a dragon, the on all sides oscillates, of the in a flash oscillated fully 1,000,000,000 many times, sharp sword long grass, chase the hand of heaven, greatly tie up to round Shu, greatly gobble up all of the Shus to cut to break.
This mentally dense thunder sword directly cuts to kill toward the south childe of Chu's core body.
Although the violent person of deathless body, how kill to all kill deathless, general way machine, also have no function to the person of deathless body.But first grade way machine but can, particularly is a big mentally dense thunder sword this kind of contained the dint of world of first grade way machine, the dint of the world contain among them, but can cut to kill off his life span and vitality.Weaken his strength gradually.
The strong of deathless body, has been able to refine an article way in machine,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, so medium article way the machine have no injury to the strong of deathless body.
But, first grade way machine but can bring injury to deathless body, even can with the arrogant person that the chain turn a deathless body.
If is the superior of breeze white feather this kind of Class, use the first grade way a machine, can turn a south childe of Chu by chain, however must also cost several a hundred years.
Certainly, if use a rare article way machine, that is almost an in a moment and then can kill the strong of deathless body.In the dint in front of the world of rare article way machine, the deathless body must also die.
"The square is cold, you also despised me too much, you thought this childe, maneuver world so for several years, don't press a box of means of bottom at 1:00, absolute being clan extremely valued, the emperor releases a crosier!Come out!"
Chu south childe look in the eyes in, evil light blunt sky but rise, his overhead, together strong Jing long grass blunt sky but rise.Changed into an one mouthful giant crosier
This pole crosier, the sharp point is dazzling, up flow to drip the writing of absolute being clan, like a bird of, exhibition wings hover, communicate a God.
This pole crosier fully has one persons much long, is not metal creation either, but a kind of bone substance, seem to hate celestial spirits emperor that kind of body.Seem a pole rules various sky of of symbol, an absolute being foetus therein ferment, revolve an interest not.
The emperor releases a crosier!
Particularly BE, send forth the arrogant breathing of among them, incredibly and big mentally dense thunder the sword is match equally.Is also first grade way machine!
This south childe of Chu, incredibly and fully have two first grade ways machine!Absolutely is unimaginable!

