
http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap is not at ease al

After a large number of Tibetan Buddhist heritage ,India Tibetans responsible for . Then ,through the history of hung up the phone .relationresultZhang Xiaolong looked at the mobile phone ,that Shi Qiangjun could not play it is without rhyme or reason.
This call, is certainly something to disclose, he hastened to Xu Hai that he immediately returned to Japan ,with Alex killer lurking, at least a year not to Alex in the name of the first joint business .
relationresultAfter Xu Hai left ,Zhang Xiaolong still is not at ease ,also called black god group of two generation leader Yamashita Naoo, ordered him to put all the debt slave hired mercenary identity are washed off, leaving no clues .
relationresultThere are not assured ,Zhang Xiaolong also thought in the park reconstruction remains of the ancient city of Beatty, Zhang Xiaolong decided to Beatty and follies close together ,the ancient city of reconstruction work to others .
relationresult... ... ... ... , relationresultThree days later ,the real video of a working group at A ,A, foreign claims to the work of inspection .Zhang Xiaolong knows that this is to check his ,but Zhang Xiaolong is not worried ,can let the real shadow over, that someone to stay behind to help him, as long as the drag over this period of time .
relationresultZhang Xiaolong in the office of the mayor .relationresultZhang Xiaolong and the real shadow to sit on the sofa ,two people are not talking, just staring at the tea table ,and an open blue folder .
relationresultFolder also took many photographs ,many of which are the battle of Burma lake ,and Zhang Xiaolong get back old photos ,and a lot of file record .relationresult This xiazai big trouble ! Zhang Xiaolong said to himself .
relationresultThe real shadow said seriously : you go to Burma ,which is the default ,but you can fight ,get some jade stone back line, you get so much stuff ,right . , relationresult This is a fake .
Zhang Xiaolong explained .relationresult Little pack in front of me ,is really . A real shadow flat tone ,said : you are these things from rob He Yaoren ,now above suspicion is you make Singapore massacre .
Flying planes into a building ,it is very sensitive to the event ,are reminiscent of the 911 . , relationresultZhang Xiaolong stressed: is not the same as the towers ,Twin Towers ,Singapore the only one .
, relationresultThe real shadow pulled out his gun to shoot in the table ,a waiting for Zhang Xiaolong ,Zhang Xiaolong thought : by !Are you scare me !You have the ability to shoot . , relationresultZhang Xiaolong don reverse smile ,facing real shadow said: don ,I really do not know it .
Then, he began to transfer a topic: the city is really fake ,do not believe you to find an expert to check ,the absolute is a fake . , relationresultReal shadows gave Zhang Xiaolong a look :t you afraid I really find someone to check ,Singapore things you didn the best, you did ,you be careful .
,http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap, relationresultZhang Xiaolong appreciate in the heart ,from the real shadow attitude, at least the military also helped him .relationresult Get the gun !It scary . Zhang Xiaolong picked up the pistol ,make real shadow hands ,then grabbed the real shadow hand is not loosened .
relationresult Let go ! The real shadow shake Zhang Xiaolong ,pistol away .relationresultHey. Zhang Xiaolong smiled and stood up ,sit to the real shadow side, put his arm around the shoulder of the real shadow .
relationresultThe real shadow figure shocked ,angry said: what are you doing ? Said, take Zhang Xiaolong away, but strength is a bit small, but was Zhang Xiaolong hold more tightly .
relationresultThe real shadow shaking ,still want to fight .relationresultHold it. Zhang Xiaolong suddenly shouted loudly ,real shadow started to move .Zhang Xiaolong eyes flashed a cunning ,close to the real shadow whispered : the shoulders of your hair ,I help you off .
, relationresultThe real shadow felt Zhang Xiaolong breath in the ear, body shaking ,the whole face is reddened .relationresult ,you are in me, we are so students who don parties, now near capacity ,but often think of you .
Zhang Xiaolong stroked the real shadow .relationresultThe real shadow annoyed and says: ... ... You better be serious . Now she break ,do not know what to say .relationresultZhang Xiaolong did not immediately pushed into the real shadow ,some things can not be too fast ,so consort to good, to get a feeling that .
relationresult I serious ,real film comrades ,I have many things to tell you ,you listen to me . Zhang Xiaolong took the real shadow hands ,while stroking ,side of speak up all over the country ,is not speaking of something .
relationresultReal shadows to worry ,low road : you won prepare .I have to remind you of the white . , relationresultZhang Xiaolong said: ready for what ?Have been ready for a long time ,they did not check out .
, relationresult Damn ,you don let go . The real shadow road .relationresultLet go. Let go is not ah ! Zhang Xiaolong know ,today here ,in force ,it is possible to real shadow away .
relationresultThe real shadow stood up quickly and went to the door ,suddenly turned back to make a face ,road : I want to join your harem ?No ,in your dreams ! , relationresultZhang Xiaolong house .
Quick arbitrage ,she laughed ,fingers on the back of the sofa rapped : you can run ,you must give me come back . , relationresultEnd table tea drink ,see table data ,Zhang Xiaolong soon set his mind, called Qi Fanghang came in and said: go and prepare some Swiss bank accounts ,a fact-finding mission sent ,real shadow that is not prepared ,I personally ,must block all the human mouth .
, relationresult If a man does not receive ? Qi Fanghang asked .relationresultZhang Xiaolong said : they will charge ,this sent people are my uncle through history ,or Tang arrangements of the people .
They are to go, make it look . , relationresultThe body of the 424th chapter.relationresultBookshop and updated: 2012-6-1 22:01:15 chapter number :3659 , relationresultZhang Xiaolong thought was the real shadow interrupted ,he closed his folder ,looked angry-looking real shadow .
relationresult Why do you want to bribery investigation group member ? The real shadow asked Zhang Xiaolong ,very angry, is entirely to the for.. .relationresultZhang Xiaolong doesn the real shadow fury ,in any place ,offering the above investigation group member is a very common thing ,but Zhang Xiaolong gave a little more ,so he perfunctory : was to give you a gift ,you have a look .
Then ,Zhang Xiaolong from the drawer and took out a small deep purple box ,put it on the table to the real shadow gently open .relationresultIn the small box, a pair of soft light color glass red blush Bangle lay ,real shadow will be the beautiful bracelet attracted .
relationresultHere you are. Zhang Xiaolong smile a .relationresultThis pair of bracelets values close to three million ,not much money, but the first quality, material quality is very rare ,though three million may not be able to buy .
relationresultReal video watch bracelet ,quickly recovered his calm ,reached out to cover the little box .relationresult bribe me ? The real shadow asked ,look have no came in so serious .
relationresult Not so bad ,the only friend has exchanging gifts ,men ! Zhang Xiaolong house shadow still tangled ,simply pull yourself ,real shadow hand ,hard take the bracelet set in his hands .
relationresult Look, not very beautiful ? Foxmail look real shadow hand ,satisfied with the little head .relationresultReal shadows a bit embarrassing one look at Zhang Xiaolong ,pull back ,coughing ,said : since you are so sincere ,I can barely men ,however ,do not have the next oh ! , relationresult certain .
, relationresult... ... ... ... , relationresultThe outskirts of Shanghai, a luxury villa ,Wang is watching the news ,TV, Singapore Bukit know her hotel in burning which does not stop ,people be confound at ,when someone from the top of the building parachuting down ,suddenly gunshots ,falling people were hanging in the sky living target .
relationresultIn the USA the Wang Dun ,stand in the free him, his face was so shocking scar .relationresultWang Dao watched TV ,into thinking .Wang Dun break free thinking ,said : ,this is to move Zhang Xiaolong chance ,if we have Zhang Xiaolong to shake out ,it will take him a harmonious .

