
Monster Beats iers have been sep

Calculate the hand to help Chen Jiayi ?relationresultSohe smiled temporarily out of this plan ,but some people do not sit, now the situation is complicated ,pull one hair and use the whole body ,I just want to hand to all can not find a reason for the defection ,see step by step ,rest assured ,Helian home is indeed a large fortune, but Chen Jiaye doesn your imagination so weak ,Chen Fugui this year is expected to take one or two steps ,then to what position, not to say ,but into the military or general staff is sure ,and Cao that ,these two ,is a clown .
relationresultHeseems to be good mood ,Xu Cheng also happy with the so-called military tumbler live chat ,hey hey laugh Cao is tragic ,Chen Ping even ,Liu Ran has even with motherhood, and create big fun ,fun ,the examination content is Cao the protocol ,tut ,really ruthless ,care more than son nephew ,most of the glider towards Chen Ping ,the result let him check is successful, the bloodshed is also very serious ,is the man .
.relationresultManyold man taunted the sound, not be furious ,repeatedly warned Xu Cheng not to fancy to hang up the phone .relationresultXu Cheng returned to therestroom ,to wash the face ,sitting on a couch in the eyes closed .
relationresultLong time.relationresultAll of a sudden.relationresultThearmy aviation corps mean what one says the man reached out ,there is no signs to give myself a big mouth .relationresultThe soundcrisp .
relationresultHestood up from the couch ,smoking a cigarette ,the top face thumb mark no sleep, staggered upstairs to bed .relationresultIdiot.relationresult(well, the next chapter 12 ...
..) , relationresultChapter 386th :fall (a ticket ) , relationresultThe 386th chapterrelationresultThestraight 10 speed again fast ,nor may not stop the breath to fly to Beijing ,Chen Ping ,Liu Tao Ran ,shadow ,Yang Xudong ,and two were in the training base of anonymity man, six people sit together ,the expression is not a ,but without exception has kind of a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment of the feeling ,from the primeval forest examination success in 1814 ,itself is a symbol of strength ,from on the helicopter ,their life ,with those of ordinary soldiers have been separated by distance ,easy to say ,but really experience it, is actually very worthy of proud of one thing .
WWw ,relationresultA helicopterand several other charge check judges, added up to no more than twenty people ,the entire room atmosphere ,strange .relationresultThe onlygirls pottery shadow did not give Ranpin Xiao Liu when the coquetry ,unconscious, sitting in a corner ,turned his head and looked out of the window ,I don .
relationresultLiu Ran andYang Xudong sat down beside Chen Ping ,expression thought .relationresultThe other twotouch points shady lucky Xingjin 1814 trainees from their distant ,whispered chat ,it is said that this two people is from an ace army brothers ,before coming, have deep feelings of foundation and operational understanding, in the jungle where ,eventually break through a tight encirclement ,interesting is, this two man in that he is actually on the spot 1814 admission after cried ,cried ,that picture ,a humorous ,several judges were moved to no, lovely soldier .
relationresultSix men,divided into three waves to be quite distinct from each other ,no mutual interference .relationresultSo ,inadvertently into the back door was admitted ,gee ,that really loud slap me Oh ,lovely .
Chen Ping chuckled ,fingers holding a cigarette ,slight squint eyes flashing in the colorful ,full of strange look ,he told the examination place no objection ,but instinctively sense something unusual ,in clear, is their position is not the simple sixth so simple ,remember to Changsha the aviation regiment ,Xu Cheng Ma ,patting chest to say directly on it to him ,then Colonel uncle also generous ,not one day set number ,simple odd, then heard myself in the examination time and stabbed the sergeant was hanging in the forest ,but the timely rescue keep life ,but also to help the logistics ,ending very bleak ,it placed on the army ,the absolute is not trivial ,Chen Ping has learned that a corps of the past, the head is the rank of Colonel ,the tube is not big ,but it is the standard hard ,soft and hard do not eat ,family background is also very hard ,some people buy account ,now their people were stabbed ,Monster Beats,had a little trouble no more unusual ,this event ,Chen Ping gave a breath of smoke ,at the other two Through the examination of the stranger smiled ,sunny .
relationresultDon ,this assessment has trap ,regardless of the content or the final results ,are worth pursuing, you the sixth wrong ,but then we watch what were confiscated ,right time ,is really to be truer words ,my first maybe is you .
Liu Ran sat beside chuckled ,separate action ,the training base of the BOSS is also a cover one ,even from the destination of several tens of kilometers ,this must also relentless ,escape the limelight after almost a hundred kilometers is channeling out to reach the destination ,for the first ,and then directly passed almost day and night to wake up .
relationresultChen Pingshook his head and sighed ,not sad not laugh, smile a bit sarcastic .relationresultYang Xudong was silent,occasionally see sat alone in the corner of the Tao Ying, a little be absent-minded .
relationresultLiu Ranleaned over ,mysterious ballast brothers ,a story ?Better make friends than make enemies ,training base that some ,past is past ,1814 the group of calf strangers ah ,we three are not hold together to form a clique to be bullied into PigHead ,in May ,Chen Ping your brother ,but our this small physique ,you have to watch it? , relationresultLiu Rannormally indifferent face refined and courteous a calculating Ayutthaya appearance, is familiar with, is not difficult to find that she is a baby ,and is master ,for people to be loyal ,Beijing some famous romantic place even private halls are ripe door familiar route ,are a frequent, but also his mother is a member of VIP that, this must be put in the ancient times ,is that shook the whole folding casual and elegant bearing sunrise in 8 big alley inside the so-called genius, in his view ,as Yang Xudong enemy, is nothing more than the first day to the training base for ceramic film and he had a bit of friction only, everything ,didn Yang Xudong really ,this is from the Yunnan special forces men slightly left over, face cold ,see Liu ran a eye ,light rolling .
relationresultItis not at all polite .relationresultLiu Randry cough sound, Ayutthaya again how have no bottom man encountered such a thing could not take it calmly ,behoove has a little embarrassed .
relationresultChen Ping gentlyfrowns .relationresultPotteryfigure sitting on the side ,next to the window ,looking out of the window of the clouds ,the whole people some slack .relationresultSeveraljudges uncle witnessed this a small confrontation ,are indifferent ,the evaluation difficulty than ever before many, elected student strength nature is beyond doubt ,their final position much knowledge about the point at which the insider ,although not much, but enough to let them put on the so-called sixth disdain, army with officialdom system are not the same ,that is not the same as there are also common, are not good at seeking to create their own personal characters, although several judges in the assessment to achieve maximum fairness, but privately indispensable to several students to stock a stock, at least on the plane when this group ,with Lieutenant Colonel uncle went to Liu Ran and Chen Ping greeted, face kind ,there is even a cigarette formula .
relationresultInthe normal phenomenon .relationresultLiu Ran inthis situation is not cold ,Chen Gongzi was wrong ,a face really cannot really be overwhelmed by an unexpected favour ,took the cigarette clip on the ears ,with this group of uncle had ,just hold on for a while . Related articles:

