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. The voice just fell ,Zou Beibei put the empty beverage was to his face touch in pie face head .relationresultPie face about will be found ,a few steps back ,pointing to Zou Beibei roared : ,put this bitch I waste .
, relationresultZhang Xiaolong only the one look at Zou Beibei ,he is almost forgotten, Zou Beibei was also personally carrying knives human women play ,which should not be ignored one of the boys .
relationresultZhang Xiaolong put the drink cup of coconut juice Yang in the first rushed to the man in the face ,and then turned to a side kick ,the man a long kick out .Then swung the beverage cup ,against the second man touch down ,the glass shattered ,Zhang Xiaolong is also an uppercut ,direct KO second .
relationresultNext to Zou Beibei did not idle up folding stool shoot turned a bully .relationresultZhang Xiaolong and Zou Beibei on this husband and wife team ,under three two, Kung Fu ,pie face around the six punk is all down ,left a big pancake face stood there trembling .
relationresultZhang Xiaolong is also preparing to reprimand him two ,Zou Beibei wheel folding stool, put the pie face face pat more like a piece of cake .relationresultA distant bushes ,Liu Xiaodong purses readily curse : hot piece mom ,too * * * violence ,this is mixed the ah ! He was instructed to test Zhang Xiaolong ,found by Zhang Xiaolong ,a babyish face Zou Beibei ,is not a province oil lamp .
relationresultHismobile phone bag ,google,reported to Liu Xiaodong .relationresultLiu Xiaodong has found Zhang Xiaolong and Zou Beibei are Fan Ronger ,the send ,just to check the strength of Zhang Xiaolong ,did not think of Zou Beibei strength is also tested .
relationresultPurses offer oneself say: Zou month send ,not to snatch the domain !No ,is it right? Do they . , relationresultLiu Xiaodong shook his head : ,staring at them a point on the line, do not act rashly and blindly .
, relationresultIn Zhang Xiaolong play Zou Beibei ,who is also called the police ,and soon patrol ran over, the involved people back to the police station .relationresultThe foreign police station ,Zhang Xiaolong and Zou Beibei are the first ,with a tour of mentality ,responsible for the interrogation of the carefully ,found a serious problem ,fighting both sides were not American citizens ,one is Chinese ,one side is the koreans .
relationresultAfter further identity verification ,the police found the Korean belongs to a Korean Gang ,is a heavy case bottom asshole .The police are not entangled, directly to Zhang Xiaolong and Zou Beibei ,that is the Koreans attempted any .
But Zou Beibei started earlier ,bail is to be paid .relationresultRecently the Hawaii Gang too ,police are already struggling to cope with the gangsters ,they hate had reached the pole ,meet with the ordinary people of gangsters disputes ,they will be careless with the gangsters are locked up ,if both sides are gangsters ,they will put people on both sides are all locked up .
relationresultLeave the police station, Zhang Xiaolong deliberately send twenty tickets the past ,invite all the very next day night off-duty police ,participate in a magazine held a night party .
relationresultThe local police to happy to accept invitation ,allegedly in order to get a ticket ,also had a little conflict .relationresultZhang Xiaolong is happy with Zou Beibei said: this is a free security .
, relationresultIn the 449th chapter,the arrest of a suspect , relationresultBookshop and updated: 2012-6-1 22:01:19 chapter number :3512 , relationresultThe police went back to the hotel, Fan Ronger is anxiously waiting ,see two talent to lay down their hearts .
She breathed a sigh of relief said: you come back, I still want to consult a lawyer . , relationresultZou Beibei explained the situation again, and added: where the police are polite, do not make things difficult for us .
, relationresultFan Ronger pulled on Zou Beibei said: here are better than the domestic ,encountered such a thing or hide good point . , relationresultZhang Xiaolong said : it is in the side away ,was deliberately to tempt us ,and not the YY fiction ,how will people scrambling .
, relationresultZou Beibei nodded also thought Zhang Xiaolong said on .relationresultZhang Xiaolong said : do I worry and Beibei exposed ?This thing ,not many people know ! , relationresultZhang Xiaolong and Zou Beibei looked at each other in the eye ,their whereabouts is confidential ,only the closest person ,and these people ,there will not be a traitor .
relationresultSaid, Zhang Xiaolong remembered ,did not see how neat Fanghang ,asking after Fan Ronger also said he did not see .relationresult People go there ? Zhang Xiaolong is thinking of Qi Fanghang become dejected and despondent ,go back .
relationresultZhang Xiaolong asked him what to do ,Qi Fanghang wiped away tears and said: ,I want to be a cuckold ,I must kill the asshole . , relationresult ... ... The person in the room a surprise, both with the ah !relationresultThe original Qi Fanghang on the plane to see his girlfriend ,he was texting his girlfriend asked ,answer to Honolulu to open a law conference ,Qi Fanghang for a face ,dare not go up with his girlfriend ,they found opportunity secretly follow thereafter ,followed in the legal research .
relationresultIn the conference ,come from all over the world legal business ,beauty beyond count ,active pursuit neat Fanghang girlfriend for a row .Initially saw one one girlfriend rejected suitors ,Qi Fanghang heart is also very happy ,but he soon found himself also have pins and needles ,because the new face of handsome relationship, many bold babes have come up ,take heart vulnerable Richie taken aback ,his timid look ,immediately triggered the presence of women ,gathered more beautiful sister .
relationresultIn be confound at Qi Fanghang ,his girlfriend walks, held his arm announced their rights ,it scared off many anthomaniac woman .relationresultBy his girlfriend to a secluded place ,Qi Fanghang gratefully said: thank you .
, relationresultIs beauty rescue feeling ,let every little heartbeat .relationresultQi Fanghang though only two ,but by virtue of their talent ,talent of law of psychology published many articles in the field of the law ,is also very famous the bright younger generation ,who is quite beautiful ,figure as well .
relationresult My name is Wang Yan ,and you ? Wang Yan relatives asked .relationresultQi Fanghang improvised a name : my name is Zhang Qi . , relationresult You are so small ,it is how to mix in here? Wang Yan relatives .
relationresultAlthough Qi Fanghang knew that Wang Yan did not recognize him, but still can lie, then the truth actually said: Qi is brother let me stare at you, he ... ... , relationresult You are every hand ,really, what did he do to make you so small a child also into the gang went to .
Wang Yan very unhappy ,and pointed to Qi Fanghang scolded : you this child ,how not to learn ,learn to people of mixed black society ,sooner or later will kill yourself . Then is the tradition of patriotism education ,earnestly advised Qi Fanghang to .
relationresultQi Fanghang was almost crying ,thinking to himself after we got married ,you don teach every day me !relationresult Do you still not happy ? Wang Yan found Qi Fanghang expression difference .
relationresultQi Fanghang says: dare not, dare not ,sister-in-law lessons on ,my next life will change ,this life is enough . , relationresult Garrulous . Wang Yanyang wants to play ,but won the next hand ,this is not your boyfriend .
relationresultAnd then, all Fanghang has conditioned reflex contraction from the neck ,then heard Wang Yan : how do you like I like ah !No wonder you can anthomaniac ,your character in psychology, is a recessive subject heart ,commonly called baby .
, relationresult ... ... Qi Fanghang is very depressed, but no way to refute ,because every time Wang Yan oppression ,he felt very comfortable .relationresultWang Yan took Qi Fanghang hand and said: you will temporarily replace your brother to accompany me already ,lest those annoying guy ,I always turn around .
, relationresultQi Fanghang just so to come back to play ,is trapped in the academic seminar .relationresultAfter listening to Qi Fanghang problems ,Zhang Xiaolong concludes : you are worried about their son of a cuckold ? , relationresultQi Fanghang thought, then nodded .

